The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 16, Number 16                                                                                              April 22, 1994


Beloved Students of Light, 

As you have spent time this past week immersing your consciousness in the infinite nature of true Reverence for All Life, it has begun to permeate every area of your life expression. Your understanding about the experiences of others has also deepened, allowing you to become more relaxed regarding outcomes for those about whom you feel concern. Your ability to hold the Immaculate Concept is growing and becoming ever-stronger. 

Soon, we will enter the mystical month of May, which is such an important time each year to consider the work to be done for the children currently coming into embodiment. Additionally, it is imperative to intensify the work you are doing for the needs of the children and youth already in embodiment, for some are meeting tests that seem insurmountable from their perspective. Even as they seek to discover and fulfill their individual Divine Plans, they are surrounded by the effects of human consciousness. Frequently, they are inundated by the tidal waves of mass consciousness still existing in the lower astral realms, or being generated by those who are as yet spiritually asleep. This activates and intensifies some of the fears that are a part of the karmic return of many reincarnating lifestreams. 

As an individual returns to the physical plane to advance his or her evolution, certain unresolved fears are brought with him. Ideally, these fears shall be redeemed and set free through his own efforts, so that energy may be requalified with perfection to assist him toward his Enlightenment and Ascension. However, because 'like attracts like,' the vibrational quality of the karmic load may attract certain thoughtforms from the mass consciousness which are similarly qualified. In this case, the individual's negative energy and fears will be amplified, and may become an unbearable burden for him to overcome. If the atmosphere is relatively cleared of the mass consciousness relating to his personal karma, that person is far more likely to be able to do his work unhindered. 

Of equal importance are those lifestreams of high spiritual evolution, who are entering the Earth from other planets and stars to assist in this New Age. Such individuals are meeting these discordant vibrations as completely new experiences. For this reason, they are often strongly affected and can even be thrown off-course. 

This is why Mother Mary has been so explicit in telling you about the positive effects of your work with the Violet Fire in behalf of the incoming lifestreams, and why I remind you of this fact now. Both Mother Mary and Lord Shri Magra are honorary members of the Karmic Board, and both act as advisors and assistants in the ongoing task of clearing the lower astral realms. 

Mother Mary acts primarily in the Temples of the Sacred Heart and the Temple of the Resurrection, while Shri Maga's primary work is concentrated directly in the lower astral realms. We, of the Spiritual Hierarchy, as well as all our chelas, owe these two great Beings our deepest gratitude for their ongoing work and the reminders they give you from time to time. Perhaps there are many among you who shall add this work to your petitions to be presented at the next meeting of the Karmic Board. 

My own interest regarding the protection and teaching of the children, youth and young people of planet Earth is well known to all of you. I will speak more about the Office of World Teacher, as many of you are actively assisting us in bringing forth the enlightenment required to manifest the New Age of Spiritual Freedom. 

Know my gratitude and love, as I enfold you in my Golden Mantle. 










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