The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 16, Number 17                                                                                                                April 29, 1994


Dear Chelas, 

Sometimes, you may not remember the Cosmic Law that says: 'what affects one, affects all'. We have spoken of the increase in telepathic powers now being awakened in the race consciousness. As this takes place, it affects - not only the spiritually advanced - but all mankind, including those of lesser development. When we speak of telepathy, we refer not only to the mental exchanges between people, but to the emotional exchanges as well. 

We wish to make you increasingly aware that what you are experiencing is also being experienced by the entire race and they may not yet have the advantage of understanding what is taking place, as the chelas do. For instance, the impetus toward Spiritual Freedom is being experienced by all. However, it is interpreted and acted upon differently by each individual, according to his or her individual consciousness and level of development. This fact is extremely important. 

As each one of you becomes more sensitive to the vast sea of emotional and mental forces released from the mankind of Earth under the influence of the Seventh Ray, you may also feel powerful tidal waves wash through your consciousness from time to time. This is part of the activity of telepathy, as it connects you with the understanding and emotional responses of humanity. Thus does the power of telepathy serve to alert you to energy fields which are in need of healing. When this occurs, it is especially important for you to remember that you are not feeling these feelings and thinking these thoughts because of your own actions or negative responses, but to make you aware of what is surrounding the Earth. 

These waves of human understanding, feeling and activity act as a signal to you, telling you to transmute and clear the atmosphere of the Earth. Thus, you can provide the avenue of illumination required, as the mass consciousness awakens and becomes more sensitive to - and desirous of - spiritual understanding. 

As you apply this knowledge to your own consciousness, remember that it is not necessary to descend into the mental-emotional level of human understanding in order to assist it. However, it is always a sound practice to consistently intensify the activity of the Violet Fire within your own beings and worlds. This activity will keep you clear of the kind of sensitivity that I have previously described as inappropriate for a chela, that of reacting to negative energy in a personal way. 

Beloved Ones, you always place your attention upon my teachings, but in these times I AM most grateful that you are truly acting upon them, bringing them forth into your daily lives, activities and relationships. Work such as this marks the begin­ning of the full manifestation of the Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom that all mankind so deeply desires, and I thank you for your assistance. 

Your Friend and Teacher, Kuthumi










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