The Shamballa Letter 

VOLUME 13, Number 11                                                                                      March 15th, 1991


My Dear Chelas,

I have given you some basic facts about writing to the Ascended Masters which should help you to understand some of the reasons why it has been requested of you. In summary about this specific subject: writing is responding with gratitude for letters we have written to you. It intensifies your relationship with the Masters; it impresses your will and desire to be closely connected to the Octaves of Light upon your etheric consciousness; and it prepares you to be a channel for expanded work with the Masters on behalf of all mankind. Also, although I did not mention it before, it signifies to us that you are open to expanded releases of teaching from the Higher Octaves, which is a call that shall always be answered.

One of the most frequent requests that we are receiving is for expanded understanding as to the part you play in co-service with the Great White Brotherhood and the Octaves of Light. There is truly a deep desire to expand your service to the Earth and all her evolutions. For this, we are grateful, and we will do our best to teach you more.

We speak and write to you through your own "I AM" PRESENCE. You know that the glorious Presence of God "I AM" of each of you is far more interested in expressing itself through you than you might be in calling it forth! I tell you this so you will realize that it is the persistence in loving your Presence, and calling it forth to take full dominion that is necessary. As you make your calls and write your letters and petitions, you intensify and intensify the response from God and his Messengers. 

In the case of the members of the race who are as yet unaware of the "I AM" Presence anchored within their hearts, calls for assistance are addressed to powers believed to be outside of themselves. If a man believes in a God who has dominion over him, but yet exists outside of his own personal self, his prayers to God are the only way he knows to activate responses.

When you know that the Presence of God is anchored within your own heart, the awareness moves inward first, to the Christ- Flame at the very center of your Being, and moves outward from that point to become all-encompassing! The first step to Mastery is to train the attention to go within to the Heart Flame, and to move outward from that point. This is what the mass consciousness is now being taught. The meaning is being intensified each time you decree: "'I AM' the Flame, and 'I AM' its Light! 'I AM' part of the Activity of the Cosmic Christ, rekindling the Flame within the hearts of all mankind!"

The "I AM" Presence IS the Master of Light for every individual lifestream. It is the Living Body of God into which you will one day ascend - your own True Self! Let my words open the door right now, so that you may bask in your Mantle of Light, and take joy in its Light enfolding you. Feel the Flame within your heart leap up, expanding itself in, through and around your entire being, to Light up your Life until there is not one little corner left still in darkness! Is it not wonderful?

If you ask me, I will love the Flame in your heart, praising it - together with you, to assist this expansion of Light within you. Of course, I love the Flame in your heart already, but if you ask me to concentrate upon it with you in times of contemplation, you will receive a greatly accelerated expansion of Light. 

I ask that you work with this in the coming week on a daily basis, and oftener if possible. Take at least ten minutes to sit down, and after relaxing your body and quieting the activity of your mind, call on me, or - if you prefer - you may call upon your own Sponsor or any other Ascended Master or Cosmic Being to whom you feel a special closeness. Ask that we breathe upon the Flame within your heart together with you, as you use the following breathing statement. You do not need to say the words aloud, but follow them mentally for the four parts of the breathing as you have been taught: 

"I AM" inbreathing the Flame of Adoration! (breathe in). 

"I AM" absorbing the Flame of Adoration! (hold, the breath in).

"I AM" expanding the Flame of Adoration! (breathe out gently)

"I AM" projecting the Flame of Adoration throughout my Being   and world! (hold the breath out)

As you do the breathing, feel the Light entering your crown chakra, filling your Heart Center, and feel and see the Master's Flame joined with the Pink Flame of Adoration.

Do the breathing statement seven times, and then take a few minutes to just adore and love your Christ Flame, seeing the Master's Ray moving in, through and around it.

This is a unity of love that I cannot fully describe, but you will see for yourself! Know I love you, and I AM with you.

Your Friend and Teacher, John






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