The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 12, Number 26                                                                                   June 29th, 1990


Beloved Chelas,

I would like to give you a few reminders to assist you along the way, as I bring my letters to a close for now. 

One of the most important points for you to remember is that - when events seem out of balance in your experience worlds - it is often an indication that you have made a big step forward on your path. Though this may seem to be a dichotomy, it is not, for with each step forward, new situations will be presented to you so that you may have the opportunity to apply Divine Law once again! Isn't it true that when you meet a different situation, and you finally solve it - you find that you have often applied the same law? This will demonstrate to you that there are a myriad of situations which may trouble you from time to time, but in the final analysis, there are a few simple Spiritual Laws which will work in all situations - if only you remember to apply them! 

If you discover your own pattern of reacting - and you will discover a pattern, if you really look hard at yourself - you will have a major clue to help you solve any individual difficulties. For instance, many people become easily discouraged. If you observe that you frequently react to situations with this specific response, you will have made a great discovery about yourself which will help you master discouragement! Mind you, 'discouragement' is only an example! Your individual reaction may be anger, or self-justification, or any of a whole list of qualities that you would rather not have in your life - but the point is that if you can discover your pattern, you can work it through very quickly! 

Each one of you is walking the Earth because you want to be here! It is because you requested this opportunity, and not just because you have to be here! You have stood before me - and the other members of the Karmic Board, and made petition to take embodiment so that you could play a definite part in the establishment of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom. 

Now, one of the things you can do is to take a few moments, step into my Flame, and let me fill you with my feeling of Gratitude to you, for every effort you have made to expand the Light of God in the Heart flames of all your brothers and sisters in the Family of Man! I tell you - the Hope of Heaven is embodied within each and every one of our blessed chelas! Know this, and be persistent in developing the God Qualities that are so freely given to you by those of us who have gone before you. 

I will encourage you without limit, because I can see with the inner sight, and you have come so far and accomplished so much! With every step, it will become easier, because every time you overcome something within yourself that is less than Light, you have proved to be Master over some part of your own life energy! Persist!

I now bless and thank you for your attention to my letters, and for the work you have done to assimilate my instructions. You have my love and my assistance whenever you desire it!









Special Gift Letter