The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 12, Number 51                                                                           December 21, 1990


Beloved Chelas,

As you are all aware, every member of the Great White Brotherhood, the entire Ascended Host, the Angelic Kingdom, and Cosmic Beings, are totally committed to the New Age of Spiritual Freedom. As the New Age rises upon the horizon of the Earth, Beloved Saint Germain already stands triumphant, for the Victory in the Light of God is ordained. The ages of the Planetary System - of which the Earth is one part - march steadily forward and there is no room for anything but Victory! The quality is Spiritual Freedom, and it shall be made manifest for all life concerned.

It is through the GATES OF LOVE that SPIRITUAL FREEDOM will flow into your beings and worlds. There is no other way, and the consciousness of mankind is being steadily and surely lifted into the vibratory level which is required to bring the New Dispensation forth. 

As the years of this final decade unfold, all of Us shall take a fully active part as required to assist you. Your cooperation is necessary, and that is why the lessons that I have given you over the past three months have not been simple ones. Know that every member of the Spiritual Hierarchy is grateful for your every effort to tune in to the Divine Plan for this dear Earth, and to take an active part. You have no idea of the Forces of Light that are connected with all of you who are working consciously to cooperate with the Hierarchy at this time. 

In this Activity of Light there is a specific Principle which overshadows all lesser understandings. That is - the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood enfold all lifestreams who are working for the good of the whole, regardless of their individual ideas of the way in which this should be accomplished. The reason for this is that the purity of motive belonging to each lifestream involved supersedes all methods. Methods - for the time being - must be set aside - if they cause separation between individuals and groups who are otherwise acting for the overall good of all mankind. This should always be, but it becomes lost in human consciousness from time to time, and then has to be brought forth for your remembrance once more. 

The spiritual expression of the New Age will evolve in God's Good Time, and it will include all of the aspects of the Seventh Ray which have been set forth over the past years as guidelines. However, if these guidelines become "stumbling blocks" over which the Divine Principle of Brotherhood may fall, they must be set aside until such differences may be resolved. To those of you who read or hear these teachings, I say - be patient! Be understanding, and, above all else, be loving, because you must consider the importance of Unity and Brotherhood, and Peace upon the Planet Earth first and foremost in your consciousness. Set all differences aside which tend to separate you, one from the other, because - if you read my words - you have walked the Path a long time, and you will know within your Heart Flames that there is nothing to be gained by the prolonging of anything which separates man from man, or mankind from God. 

Consider this in every instance; "Is there harm within this teaching or belief?" If there is not, please bypass the things which are of relative unimportance, and place your attention upon the Love of God which dwells within every man, woman and child upon the Planet Earth, for we speak of LIFE versus LIFELESSNESS. LIFE is all there is, and it is reflected within the consciousness of everyone who takes embodiment upon the Earth. You have come for a reason. Validate that reason NOW!

'I AM' with you at all times, for 'I AM' the GODDESS OF LOVE, 

Your Friend,








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