The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 12, Number 52                                                                                    December 28, 1990


My Beloved Friends and Fellow Light-Workers, 

The beautiful Year of 1990 draws rapidly to its close, and we want to take this time to think about all that has been given to you with which to work. Divine Principle is the basis of the entire universe - and of all universes everywhere - known or unknown to your outer consciousness. Everything you think, feel, say and do must eventually be based upon Divine Principle - consciously - so that your work may be that of The Master within - your Holy Christ Self. Put every lesson you have ever received to work in the physical world of form, where you live, move, and express YOUR BEING right now. 

You must look at every person, place, condition and thing in your world through the eyes of Divine Love, or else all we have discussed and thought about is of no practical avail. 

Dear Hearts of Love, you can do it! I have done it before you, and you can do it now, for it must be done to recreate this beautiful Planet you call "Home". Together, we will see the Earth as the shining, glorious, crystalline sphere it was created to be in the beginning - before anything was. Let it then slowly and gently revolve, enshrined within the glorious FLAME OF DIVINE PRINCIPLE, as it follows its path around the Sun each year, singing a Song of Freedom that the entire galaxy may hear! 

There are other worlds to come behind you, just as there are other lifestreams who will be given the privilege of attaining their Godhood in times and times to come. These worlds and these people will be your responsibility to guide, to love, to honor, and to teach, just as I teach and guide you now! 

Open your eyes of Divine Love, and look all around you through them. Let your every glance be a "Look of Love". Let your every thought envelope life with your Ray of Love. May your every word heal and bless. Cut your life, and all life, free from the bondage of lesser things, for these things have been created only for your Mastery! This is the TRUTH OF DIVINE LOVE! 

I love you, and I thank you for the blessing of your attention - and the returning currents of your Love to me! Gathering you all into my Heart, 

"I AM" Nada,

Goddess of Love and Transfiguration







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