The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 12 - Number 50                                                                       December 14, 1990


My Beloved Ones, 

The Feast of the Angels draws near. It is the most beautiful Feast of the year, because it reflects the beauty and perfection inherent within the Angelic Kingdom. Totally dedicated to Divine Service, the Angels are self-conscious intelligences created by God. Their primary service is to embody the feeling nature of the Godhead, which is Perfection. They are totally and completely obedient to the Will of God, and they are joyous in their response to this Will. They serve all life without limit or qualification, and they ask nothing in return. They never grieve, for grief is not a part of the Feeling Nature of God. Rather, they hold the Immaculate Concept for the perfection of all life, without exception, and all of their life energy is given to the sustaining and maintaining of this concept, until it manifests in any world or system of worlds. Could there be more beauty and love than this? 

For eons of time, the Archangels served as the Chohans of the Seven Rays, and it is by them that those of us who later served in this capacity were taught. There is not one Ascended Master or Cosmic Being who is unaware of the value of the Beings of the Angelic Kingdom, and who has not received countless benefits through the expression of their perfected Love. 

Every human being has within himself the capability and the possibility of expressing Love as the Angels do. The emotional vehicle with which each lifestream is endowed is connected with this Kingdom of Expression, and - just as the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings do - you may learn how to express God's Love perfectly through your own Beings and worlds. 

When I was a child, I had the great good fortune of being under the tutelage of Beloved Archaii Charity, who is the Divine Complement of Archangel Chamuel. They are the exponents of Divine Love, and the Archangels of the Third Ray. It was she who taught me the Truth of Love. To give honor and recognition to the Angelic Kingdom, without which I would not be serving you this day, I present the following: 

Without service, there is no Love. The Love of the Father-Mother God from whom you come is Love, and that Love serves you without ceasing. Does not the sun rise every day - without exception - to bring forth the life upon the planet, and to nourish it, once it has come forth? Even when it rains, the sun shines behind the rain, filtering its sacred Light through the water and the clouds. And you must remember that when the sun sets upon your world, it rises for the life on the other side of the Earth, so you may rightfully understand that it never rests from its life-giving task. Thus it is for the Angelic Kingdom. They love and serve in ways I cannot describe - nor could any Being - no matter how advanced they might be. I can but say Thank you, Beloved Angels of Light and Love! I love you as best I can, and it could never be enough to express that which I feel, even as an Ascended Master. 

I give this to you, my friends, because I love you, each one! Celebrate the Feast of the Angels with my Blessing and my Love enfolding you, and may my gratitude, Love and Instruction smooth your path before you, even as the Angels have smoothed it before me!

In the Light of Divine Love and Service, 'I AM'






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