The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 12, Number 49                                                                                         December 7, 1990


Beloved Chelas,

A number of years ago I served with the Beloved Maha Chohan Paul, acting as a yearly Sponsor of The Bridge to Freedom Activity and all of the chelas. My work, then and now - is closely allied to that of Beloved Paul. The Ray of Divine Love is that upon which the Maha Chohan serves, and from the Third Ray there is a great diver­sification into many avenues of service. It is sometimes called "The Hand of God", and it is represented by Rays Five through Seven, which - as they radiate forth from the Third Ray, form the means of diversified service available to embodied lifestreams. This will also explain why Divine Love is the basis of all life expression, and why It is the center of the universe. It forms the core of all service, and is present within every one of the Seven Rays with which mankind is involved. 

All of our chelas must fulfill the requirements of the first three Rays in order to qualify for the Ascension. This fulfillment is quite long and arduous, with many tests to be passed in the way of service. These tests are presented in the ordinary life experiences that are encountered through the specialized fields of endeavor to which individuals are attracted in their various embodiments. Each individual lifestream has the impetus of the Ray to which they have formed the closest affinity within the inner realms, prior to their descent into the world of form. 

A developing 'I AM' Presence, moving through the seven spheres prior to taking embodiment, forms a magnetic attraction to whichever Sphere they prefer as they are learning about all the myriad forms of expression that are available to them. Consequently, when they take embodiment, the natural choice of profession will be that to which they were attracted within the inner realms. A simple expression like "Once an artist, always an artist!" bears testimony to this principle. "Once a scientist", or "once a priest", will express the same principle accurately. It only means that this is the natural or most desirable expression of an individual's life energy. 

This is the reason I stated in a previous letter that - as individual chelas - you have more than likely fulfilled those responsibilities to which you are naturally drawn by your own magnetic attractions. It matters not in the least by which avenue you learn the necessary lessons, for the lessons are the same, and may be learned within any profession, trade, or lifestyle to which you may be drawn. How­ever, a chela is involved in service, and this indicates that a chela must fulfill any voids which have not yet been completed within the range of his service. 

I do not indicate that if you have worked for eons as an artist, you must suddenly become a physician or a scientist. However, there are areas of service which appear upon every Ray which must be partaken of in some manner by every individual, in order to complete his understanding, and develop his appreciation of the input of every other lifestream upon the Earth. Appreciation is an aspect of Divine Love, as is Gratitude. Until such time as a person may say, "I appreciate the gift to life which you have given me", to all other individuals and contributing factors in his field of awareness, and mean it from his heart, his education is not complete. 

I extend to you an opportunity to develop your own evaluation of your needs to complete your course in "Mastery". Become quiet and centered, and look over your own accomplishments and contributions to life. Permit yourself to feel appreciation for your own abilities and gifts, and thank God for the opportunities you have had to develop them. 

Next, think about the situations or individuals toward which you feel critical in any way. When you isolate these areas, begin to look for ways in which you may serve within these fields of endeavor. How may you experience some of the factors that are present along other paths? You may need some time to understand this, and also to find your best way of accomplishing whatever is necessary. You will know you have succeeded when you truly feel appreciation for the contri­butions made through other avenues of service than your own. 

Ask your Beloved "I AM" Presence for Its help and guidance, and for the right experiences to be brought to you for this purpose. Know also that I will help you on every step of your way.








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