The Shamballa Letter


VOLUME III, Number 32                                                                                                                                  August 11, 1981 


Our Beloved Surya  Lord and King Saint Germain 

Blessed Ones permit me to tell you why I use the word “friend” so often… 

“The friend of the Sacred Heart” has been one of my titles through the centuries, which means in reality an activity that helps the Christ. 

In that embodiment in Jerusalem, as Joseph, although I was aware of the Christ and the great mission he would express, I was not yet, myself, the fullness of that Christ. However, it was my great privilege to be a friend and assistant of that unfolding Christ Power that was cosmic in its mission and it effect. 

In my spiritual activity as Chohan of the Violet Ray, it is STILL my privilege to be the friend and assistant of the Christ in its unfolding and awakening processes; this time not alone in the Heart of Jesus, but in the Heart of every man. 

The Activity of the Violet Transmuting Flame is a preparation for the unfoldment of God’s Powers within, and thus the Violet Flame itself is an active friend of the Sacred Heart which is the Holy Tabernacle of Christ in every human being. 

Ofttimes on Earth we set out small human dramas which are repeated on a cosmic scale as we enter the Ascended State of Freedom, and the Divine Plan of the Lifestream in many Earthly embodiments ofttimes reveals what the cosmic service of that particular soul will one day be. You can trace the God-like characteristics and gifts which act in the same individuals for many centuries before the Ascended state is attained. 

I shall always endeavor to show you that I AM the friend of your Sacred Heart and such a trustworthy and constant Friend that the Sacred Heart in this embodiment shall yield the sum total of your lifestream’s energy into the Ascended State when this earth body has completed its mission.  

I AM your Eternal Friend,

Saint Germain 





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