The Shamballa Letter


VOLUME III, Number 33                                                                                                                                     August 18, 1981


 BELOVED MOTHER MARY                                                                                                                                    August 15, 1981


Blessed pulsating hearts of Light, this is a glorious day for me in the remembrance of the ecstasy I experienced when finally I was absorbed completely into the Electronic Light of my Presence, to serve all life in an ever-expanding manner. Too, the Love I feel from the grateful hearts turning to me in prayer, in love, in song provides a magnificent opportunity to accelerate the gifts of my being to all life. The multitudes in Rome, in Poland and other lands bear witness to the fact that Faith is alive in the hearts of man. 

As I continue to hold the Immaculate Concept for all, I am naturally aware of the upheavals which are taking place in men’s hearts and those that have exploded to world-wide proportions. Hold, oh my beloved children, to the Immaculate Concept in ever-expanding manner… hold the conviction that the shadow elements expressing in life at this hour are the result of the human creation of the past and must, and can be, transmuted by the Sacred Fire in order that the full expression of the Permanent Golden Age may be manifest. 

I am deeply heartened by the efforts of the chelas to enter and remain for longer periods in the Christ Consciousness… Hear my prayer oh Almighty, Omnipotent Reservoir of all Life and bring peace to the hearts of all! 

During this twenty-four period I have placed my Luminous Presence over this Planet, from which I can constantly release in accelerated manner the momentum of the Love which I have been able to gather through the centuries. The Angelic Host in all graded orders have volunteered, and happily are encircling the Earth and all hereon in the Essence of Love Divine… touching the hearts of all with the Flame of Peace which can soften the most rigid resistance to the Christ Consciousness… for Love conquers all, and we shall see an upliftment in the hearts of mankind and their endeavors to make this Planet a better place in which to live. The negative activities of brother resisting brother to gain his human desires shall CEASE and I, Mary, who am sometimes referred to as “The Lady of Peace” shall never relax my efforts in holding the Immaculate Concept – the Divine Manifestation of Life on this Earth shall more quickly express! 










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