Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

 Volume 24, No. 7                                                                                                                            May 18, 1975


Beloved Chelas: 

On this, the Feast of Pentecost, it is my privilege to give you the address of Beloved Lady Rowena at the Transmission of the Flame Ceremony from our Retreat at Ceylon. 

Lady Rowena speaks: 

"I am Lady Rowena and I have been granted the privilege of speaking to you regarding the Transmission of the Flame Ceremonies from the Retreat at Ceylon this evening. 

Since I have the honor of serving at the Focus in France where the beloved Paul, the Maha Chohan, formerly served and so much of his glorious energy is woven into the very fibers of this Retreat, I requested the honor of speaking to you. Our so gracious Maha Chohan acceded and I shall endeavor to fill your consciousness with the Comforting Love of the Holy Spirit. 

There is a special accelerated activity taking place due to the fact that tomorrow, Sunday, we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. There is a feeling of great expectancy as our beloved Holy Æolus has come from Cosmic Heights to participate in this evening's service. 

Now please turn your attention to the Flame Room which is diffusing a magnificent pink Light from the electrons which make up the walls, floors and furniture. You will perhaps remember that the chairs are upholstered in a pink substance similar to velvet, and the frames are composed of mother of pearl. 

Now enter deeply into the feeling of Divine Love and accept the Comforting Presence of the Holy Spirit. Let us turn our attention to the Altar whereon rests the exquisite Chalice which holds the Flame of Comfort. Its entire outer surface is embossed with tiny Doves. It appears as though these Doves are eagerly awaiting the expansion of the Flame of Comfort so that they, too, can enter into the Flame, there imbibing its substance and sending the Peace which is part of the Comfort Flame to all life. 

When the Breathing Service begins, beloved Holy Æolus and the magnificent Pallas Athena will stand at either side of beloved Paul, and when breathing upon the Flame will literally blend into its Holy Light. Envision the entire Flame Room bathed in Pink Light and all the Beings assembled here breathing as ONE and that glorious Essence rising into the atmosphere to the Amphitheatre.

The Builders of Form in deference to the Feast of Pentecost have carried out a desire of the beloved Maha Chohan and have created a gigantic Dove above a grassy plain covering all of Asia, to receive all who will visit this Focus during this cycle. At various intervals are lovely field flowers, so symbolic of the Nature Kingdom which is one of the special concerns of the Holy Spirit. Surrounding the Dove are Seven Bands of the colors of the Rays, and it shall be the privilege of each of us who hold the Office of a Chohan to bless the evolutions of this Earth with the Gifts which we are privileged to dispense, carrying with them the specific Blessing of the Holy Spirit. 

I counsel you to hold the beautiful picture of this amphitheater in the forefront of your consciousness and to come and visit this Focus often. 

The chelas of The Bridge to Freedom are very closely aligned with the activities of the Holy Spirit and in gratitude to the Cosmic Holy Spirit and to beloved Maha Chohan, may I suggest that you offer your energies to assist your fellow travelers still walking the Earth - to infiltrate their consciousness with the feeling of Comfort and Peace. The more you magnetize this Sacred Essence, the greater will your feelings become saturated with the Comforting Presence of the Holy Spirit. 

Before we proceed to the actual Breathing Service, please turn your attention to the Doves which years ago were entrusted to you, some of which have remained in your auras... and all during this period please remember to bless them and send them on the mission you have chosen for them. In the event some of you have forgotten them, I humbly suggest that you ask the Maha Chohan to have them return to your auras, and there nurture them by your recognition and Love... for they will not only bring Peace and Comfort to you but in turn will render this service to those areas on this Planet and to the individuals to whom you send them. 

Remember always, it is the Holy Breath which animates your vehicles, and great should be your gratitude to the Holy Spirit for releasing this prana to you, and to all life. 

I shall now take my place in the Flame Room to participate in energizing the Flame of Comfort as it encompasses this dear Earth. 

May the glorious Essence of Comfort and Peace so saturate every atom and electron within your vehicles that you will become a radiating center of these Virtues to all life. 

Thank you for your attention."

Love and Blessings,








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