Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

Volume 23, No. 49                                                                                                                           March 9, 1975


My beloved Chelas: 

In your sincere endeavors toward the attainment of mastery, I suggest that you contemplate the following admonition from the CODE OF CONDUCT… 

"Let thy watchwords be gentleness, humility and loving service, but do not allow the impression of humility to be mistaken for lethargy. The servant of the Lord, like the Sun in the Heavens, is eternally vigilant and constantly outpouring the gifts of his particular keeping." 

As you are aware, each lifestream has its individual service, or thread in the overall pattern for this Universe, and if he has been given a "blue" and perhaps "white" thread he should endeavor to express the gifts on those Rays. You are also aware that you travelled through the Seven Spheres and before coming to this Earth you had built into your Causal Body the colors of the "thread" which you were to use in your pilgrimages on this Planet. 

Can you not see that you are to expand "the gifts in your particular keeping" and should not attempt to emulate another lifestream who is weaving his pattern in an entirely different manner? 

I have brought this lesson to you at this time because I have been carefully reviewing your various lifestreams and I see in some instances the human desire to render the service another is performing. 

The wise chela will humbly bow to his own Holy Christ Self and in contemplation of the service which he is now giving will find many ways unfolding to him in which he can widen his own horizon... and through expansion of the Gifts of his own Causal Body he will more quickly attain the Mastery which his heart so desires... and bring expanded benefaction to all life. 

Love and Blessings,






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