Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

 Volume 23, No. 50                                                                                                                              March 16, 1975


Beloved Chelas: 

Magnificent is the blessing which the Resurrection Flame brings to this Earth and all her evolutions. Hear ye the message of beloved Amaryllis given at the Transmission of the Flame Class on the 15th... 

Beloved Amaryllis: 

Beloved co-servers in the Garden of the Universe, I am Amaryllis, Goddess of Spring, and I bring to you the buoyant feeling which is within the glorious Resurrection Flame. Feel it, my beloved ones... feel its Essence course through your beings. 

This is indeed a joyous time of the year in the Western Hemisphere, when the beautiful little elementals will bring forth very shortly the flowers which have been put before them to externalize. You should see how very happy their little hearts are as they know they soon can bring forth more beauty to this dear Planet Earth. How much greater, my lovely ones, for us to look upon our chelas and see the ‘buds’ which we have nourished through the years coming into full flower. 

I offer you all of my momentum of the Resurrection Flame to assist you to bring forth the Christ which is ready to burst the bonds of the human and be the only acting Presence in your worlds. Let go, let go of the human which has shut the door! You are all making sincere effort, that we surely know, but please, I implore you, roll away the stone, the human, and let the Christ come forth. 

You know, it is very wise, as you have been told through the years to use the Flame of Transmutation and the Flame of Purity at the time when the Resurrection Flame courses through your beings and those of all mankind, for that which has not been transmuted as it comes to the fore. Praise God, there is not too much left in your etheric garments to be transmuted but while you wear a physical garment you must always be on the alert! Keep the Flames of Transmutation and Purity blazing through your bodies, clearing the way for that magnificent Resurrection Flame. It is God's Merciful Activity of Light! 

Our beloved brother Jesus used that Flame to Victorious Accomplishment. Mind you, he also wore a physical garment. So many forget that he was in a flesh garment but think of the Master Jesus walking the Earth, who could do no wrong. Surely he could do no wrong for at an early age he knew that the Christ within was the motivating Power of his Being and that why he performed the so-called miracles and marvels and the Light shone from his Being in such intensity wherever there was a need. Be thou, dear children, the Christ in action! 

As the Goddess of Spring, I see this lovely Planet Earth as the most beautiful Garden, and I am indeed privileged to serve with our beloved Paul, the Maha Chohan, who is my Cosmic brother and is using the Holy Breath to energize the Nature Kingdom. What a joy it is to release the Resurrection Flame to bring forth the Beauty of this Planet! 

Now consider yourself a flower in the Garden of God and use the energizing activity of the Resurrection Flame and be thou the Christ before Easter Morn! I would not tell you this is possible if it could not be accomplished! 

Our holy Mother Mary, that exquisite lady of Heaven, is one of the greatest expressions of Power in the Universe BUT that Power is an expression of Divine Love. Love does not have to be forceful - Power does not have to be forceful, because Love is within it. All the attributes of God are aspects of Love. And Holy Mary... ah, you should see the tender care which she gives the incoming Spirits, the beautiful children who embodied last year had among their members very illumined lifestreams and I am here to tell you that in 1975 there will be a great number coming to this Earth who have a very thin veil about their consciousness... the bands of forgetfulness are almost entirely removed, and before many a day you will see these blessed children telling you, who believe you know the Law, many, many Truths which they are bringing from the Heavenly Realms. 

Love, oh love the Holy Mother for what she does through her tender care and her blessing of the incoming children. Prepare you the way by calling forth Purification of the parents of the race and those individuals who are about to become parents so that the family life will be conducive for the children to express the Divine Plan... let them come into homes of Harmony and Pure Divine Love. And it is upon the chelas we count to bring about this Purification. 

You have given a magnificent service for all the Governments and it is wise to con­tinue, but forget not the little ones now in embodiment and those soon to come. This will be accepted with deep gratitude in the Heart of our Holy Mary and those who serve with. Her in this capacity! 

The beloved Divine Complement of Archangel Gabriel feels it a great privilege to be able to bring Hope to this Planet. Hope is part of the Resurrection Flame. And as the Nature Kingdom feels the expectancy of flowering, let that buoyant Flame of Hope, which the beloved Hope releases in abundance at your call, fill your beings with its Elixir so that you too, can express your Divinity while yet walking the Earth. 

We had such wonderful results at beloved Kwan Yin's Temple last month in using a garden as the amphitheater, and beloved Mary and Gabriel invited me, in conjunction with the Beings of the Elements to bring forth a magnificent garden as the amphitheater over their Focus. In the center there is a glorious fountain which will carry the substance of the Resurrection Flame, of course of less intensity. And I, myself, shall walk those gardens in very simple attire, and I wonder who among you will recognize me! It shall be my privilege to counsel with you at all times and I shall give you all the assistance I am permitted to love and to revere the sacred Flame of Resurrection! 

This evening as the Holy Mother proceeds to the Altar to breathe upon the Flame, she will be greeted by beloved Paul, the Maha Chohan, and the Archangel Gabriel. Our lovely lady is attired in a simple white Grecian gown... her hair is piled high on her head and entwined in that beautiful hair are lilies of the valley... and that is the fragrance of the Resurrection Flame. We associated the Lily with Easter, but that sweet Lily of the Valley is the perfume of the Resurrection Flame. 

Preceding Mother Mary to the Altar will be the Cherubim scattering Flame Flowers upon which Mother Mary will place her beautiful feet... you should have seen the Joy as we told these Cherubim they were to spread the Flame Flowers and every tiny salamander who has been selected to create these petals is overjoyed with the privilege and humility to have Lady Mary place her feet upon their little bodies. 

As the Resurrection Flame travels throughout the Earth, the Angels of Resurrection will travel along with it and this Planet will be saturated with its Holy Essence. 

Come you now, beautiful Angels of Resurrection and touch the foreheads of each of these chelas, and of all the chelas tuning in to this Transmission Activity, and let them feel the Flame of Resurrection course through all their vehicles and make them WHOLE!       Good Evening." 

Love and Blessings,










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