Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

Volume 24, No. 19                                                                                                                                       August 10, 1975


Chelas of My Heart: 

In deep gratitude it is my privilege to present to you excerpts from the address of Lord Divino, given at the Summer Conference. 

Lord Divino speaks: 

Children of the Universe, how beautiful is music and the rendition which has just been played has drawn the Seraphim into the atmosphere above this Sanctuary (The Seraphic Song by Anton Rubenstein). They were supposed to come later in the hour but my lovely ones, they felt the exquisite pulsating essence of the Pink Flame emanating here - from, so they are now standing above this room, and in the very center of these Beings is the Director of the Seraphim. Above these glorious Seraphic Beings is the Luminous Presence of our mighty Regent, Sanat Kumara... blessed be his Holy Name. 

Stories have been told about Love - poets have expounded - songs have come forth - all endeavoring to touch the heart center of Love... but few there are in embodiment who have any comprehension of what that glorious Virtue means. And I shall endeavor on this holy day to take you deeply into the Heart of Love Divine. Children of the Light, go deep into the recesses of your being... take all attention away from the outer garment... and enter the Christ Self. Think only of the Three-fold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power. 

I am not here just to give you beautiful word pictures - I am here in all the Love of my Being, the Love which I have for the Supreme Source, and I ask you to Love all Life! So many chelas have said from time to time - "0 how happy I shall be when I get off this Planet Earth for goods" One way, dear children, is to stay in the Balance of the Flaming Presence within your hearts and then you can be our Light Bearers ON the Earth, but not OF it! And then the little things which seem so important which are of the Earth Consciousness will just fall away from you and you will have all the opulence, all the good, which you requires and the formula is DIVINE LOVE! 

Now I shall tell you that the beloved Sanat Kumara came from Venus and said to his beloved friend Gautama, "You know how I love this Earth - have I not proved it - but I should like to give it a special Blessing... I asked for volunteers from the Angelic Host of Venus to come to Earth today... and as a result there will be a group of the Angels of Divine Love from Venus encircling this Earth until she is FREE IN THE LIGHT! (Chelas rise) Thank You. Please be seated. 

Does this not prove to you that if you truly Love the Earth, as does our glorious Regent that in the continuing and ever-expanding process Love is not a fleeting thing? Love holds this entire Universe together and all the Suns under the direction of mighty Alpha and Omega have this day permission to give extra assistance from their planets and from their own Hearts to this dear Earth. Does this not show how the other planets are far ahead of this little Earth, when all the Suns, mind you, under beloved Alpha and Omega and all the planets in this chain, in the service of Love, are going to so saturate this Earth and Life hereon... every blade of grass, every grain of sand, to bring more exquisite music to the birdsong, greater harmony to you! 

I paused deliberately, my dear ones, so that you could feel the Holy Essence of Love permeating all your lower garments, and how the blessed electrons within your garments are so grateful... it is like giving a drink of cool spring water to a traveler who is indeed thirsty... and have they not traveled with you through the ages... and they are so grateful to have their thirst assuaged! 

Think often of these blessed elementals within your beings. They are prisoners of Love - and that mighty Body Elemental who has become very belligerent at times because you have defaced the pattern which he was to externalize! 

Blessed children of the One God, I have come to give you my Love - I do give you my Love - are we not all cells in the Body of the Eternal, and do we not wish to make this the most shining planet moving forward, closer to the Heart of the beloved Helios and Vesta! I know that you will prove your Love by your actions. 

And please remember always that I, Divino, the Buddha, am just a humble servant of the Almighty! Thank you.”

Love and Blessings,







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