Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

Volume 24, No. 20                                                                                                                          August 17, 1975


Beloved Ones: 

Your beings will be bathed in the Essence of Peace as you read the address of beloved Surya at the Transmission of the Flame Class last evening. 

Beloved Surya speaks:  

Peace be with you, dear co-servers in the Light! That glorious Essence is yours, for your acceptance. Come into the Heart of our Retreat and dip into the reservoir of that mighty Quality of Lasting Peace! 

Did not the music (the Keynote of our Focus) stir a memory in your hearts of a time when you were on Lemuria? Yes, each of you were there and while the words were different, the melody was the same with some variations. 0 come, come to our Focus - come as often as you like - day or night - and we will be most happy to welcome you at its sacred portals. 

Peace is such a glorious quality... Peace is tranquil - Peace is Love - Peace is Wisdom - and Peace is Power... Love, Wisdom and Power, the Heart of God, the Three-fold Flame - the Activity of the Almighty. 

My dear brothers and sisters we know each other well - your memory has been clouded round through the centuries but the veil is getting thin and soon you will serve in greater capacity as you come to know the magnificent Radiation of Peace. 

As a little hummingbird quaffs the essence of the flower - as you see the beautiful butterfly take the essence of another, will you in the expanded capacity of your consciousness not come to us often and drink from the golden Cup of the Elixir which contains the Peace of the Almighty! I am counting on you, dear chelas, to bring Peace to this Planet - Peace to the hearts of all mankind - and I know that much will be accomplished during this cycle. 

I know that you will be desirous of learning about our Forcefield. First, you know that we are within the landed portion of the Island of Fiji, and we have created an amphitheater over the entire Continent of Mu - that which is visible and that submerged. Does this not portend great events soon to take place - the Continent of Lemuria in all its glory shall emerge from the Bosom of Neptune - it shall come forth with the glorious expression of Peace which you once knew. 

Do you know that the Pacific Ocean was named for the Elohae Pacifica? It is not happenstance that we come to you at this specific time, for Peace, the Peace which we know at our beautiful Focus is blazing at all times and it is closely aligned to each of your hearts through previous Service, and through the expanding Christ Presence within each of you. 

Let us again turn our attention to the Forcefield... we thought it would be the best experience for the peoples of this Planet to have a "vacation" as it were... so our Amphitheater has been created to resemble a tropical Paradise, and at various points members of our Retreat will be stationed, and the peoples and evolutions of this Earth will come and according to their consciousness will be assigned to a specific location on our "Etheric Continent". They will sit beside the tranquil waters of a calm lake... their etheric bodies will be bathed in the sparkling waters of a waterfall... they will go to gardens of exquisite flowers - the perfume of which you have not yet duplicated on this Earth at this particular hour. It will, we believe, be the most beautiful Retreat activity that mankind can experience, because the weary souls of mankind are crying for Peace - crying for Love, which is synonymous with Peace, and here they shall be fed! And I expect our chelas will find their bodies become so much lighter - I am not referring to weight as you know it - but the Light will be flowing through your inner bodies and make you more graceful - more harmonious - so that the Peace of God will be in your hearts for all time. This glorious Essence we offer you! Again I say, come to us often and enjoy this Holy Elixir! 

We have a tremendous Dove over the Forcefield and it shall radiate Peace to all mankind. There shall be a direct line of Peace from the Cosmic Dove of the Holy Spirit over Long Island to our Focus - the Atlantic and the Pacific. And with the Peace flowing all over this Continent you will see marvels take place. 0, they may not be apparent immediately because there is much dross to be removed from the consciousness of mankind, but it gives us great encouragement, all of the Spiritual Hierarchy, to see the improvement in the chelas' consciousnesses since this Summer Conference. Truly did you remain in a state of Harmony, and through Harmony you have done much toward raising the substance of your inner vehicles. 

Do not forget to call to the Beings or the Elements, because in the days ahead we must give them all the Peace we can... Peace to the Fire Element - to the Water Element - to the Element of Air and to the blessed Earth. How the mighty Virgo has accepted the burden - I say "burden" of wearing a garment which has been imposed upon her through the effluvia of mankind! But I am most grateful, I am most happy to say, that her garment is becoming lighter and it is because of the chelas - because of your most sincere efforts to follow the Will of God. 

I could go on for all the time allotted this Class, but I must return to the Throne Room to breathe upon the Sacred Flame of PEACE. 

And remember, as I have repeatedly said ... come to us often - I shall take your hand and let the Peace flow from the Cosmic Reservoir of the Almighty through my being into the Christ within you - to express through your physical garments... Thank You." 

Dear Ones - Accept the Gift of Peace which the Beloved Surya offers to you, and experience the ecstasy of abiding within the Heart of God.

Love and Blessings,










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