Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

Volume 24, No. 18                                                                                                                        August 3, 1975


Beloved Ones

Important and provocative statements are given in the following excerpt from the address of beloved Kuthumi at the Summer Conference. Study them well. 

Beloved Kuthumi:  

Good Morning, beloved Friends of the Light! "I AM" the Christ in action here... there and everywhere. I would emphasize "here" because it encompasses everywhere. As one embraces the Christ Consciousness, he knows that there is no separation in life, except as he chooses to give recognition to the personal identity... Kindly now be seated. 

One of the more difficult assignments for a Free Being to undertake is to convince the limited consciousness of most individuals to let go of the human way of thinking. How you and all men still cling to that illusion of a human personality! Do you not know by this time that the lower garments which you wear are merely the instruments through which your Holy Christ Self must function in the world of form? 

Now, honestly, and with no affront to anyone - do you really believe you are providing a perfect set of vehicles through which the Christ is expressing? Just a little thought on this will surely illustrate that at least one of your lower vehicles is out of alignment, and as I wish to take any tension from you, I would use your parlance and say "they are out of whack". 

Dear hearts of Light, I come to you today to assist you - as a loving teacher - to convince you that there is just a small step for you to take to attain the Christ Consciousness. The veil is getting thinner every day - but the average chela is prone to become satisfied with his present way of living and his service to life. Ah, here is the danger point.... that step on the Path where the sinister force is just waiting to get a toe-hold on the advancing chela and to fill him with pride... and delay his progress by whispering "sweet nothings" to him and then... lo and behold... he can be easily misled by that negative force into believing the promptings he is getting are from the Christ Self! 

Blessed ones, I have come not to praise the human but to assist you to merge with the Christ through True surrender! 

Take a positive stand and do not let your human interfere with your Spiritual Progress. As the world lauds an individual who has accomplished a difficult feat, can you envision the loving anticipation which there is in the Cosmic Consciousness when even one chela still walking the Earth can be the Christ in Action at all times... as an example to all who run to read? 

Many years ago I referred to the chelas as "the Shepherds of the Race"... you were chosen because of certain momentums in your Causal Bodies, to receive more than ordinary blessing. Many have proven that trust we put in you. 

There is never a mistake made when an individual is invited into the presence of the Ascended Masters and asked to partake of their Spiritual Food. How you dispense that substance determines your future enlightenment and progress on the Path! Let no one cast aside this manna from Heaven! Nourish your consciousness and then offer your "CUP" to your fellow traveler.

Oh certainly we are interested in your individual achievement, that is an accepted fact. However, when you consider the tons and tons of energy we have invested in our endeavor to have true. Representatives on Earth, you surely realize that it is time you became the Wayshowers of men... and that you shall surely be! Why tarry longer in the lower consciousness?"


Love and Blessings,








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