Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 20, No. 25                                                                                                                     Sept. 19, 1971


Beloved Chelas: 

Please attune your consciousness to that of the beloved Lady of Mercy, Kwan Yin, as you read her address given last evening following the Transmission of the Flame Ceremony at the Retreat of our beloved Kamakura. 

Beloved Kwan Yin speaks: 

Good evening, my lovely friends, what a glorious evening this is - the atmosphere of the Earth, the planet, herself and all her evolutions are being saturated with the Violet Transmuting Flame, through the glorious Mercy of the Cosmic Law. 

I would like to begin by telling you of the flexibility of the Consciousness of the Cosmic and Ascended Beings... you know that the altar at the Retreat at Fujiyama is circular but you haven't been apprised that previously the background for the altar was a magnificent filigree screen. In front of this screen, at the very center was a glorious likeness of our beloved Hierarch. A few years ago, when it was decided that this Retreat would be the Principal Focus of the Violet Fire for this Earth, beloved Kamakura requested that this statue be removed and placed in another section of the Temple, and in its place there is now a glorious Maltese Cross of Violet Fire. It is so magnificent, my friends, no words can describe it. Billowing from its base we see the Violet Fire in all shades of intensity. If you care to think of the clouds above the physical mountain, then perhaps this would give you an idea of the activity of this altar-piece... it is truly awe-inspiring. 

You may wonder why this Retreat was designated as Saint Germain's Principal Focus at this time... dear ones, the beloved Kamakura was once a Chohan of the Seventh Ray. He is well acquainted with the activity of the Violet Fire and has a great momentum of the use of this mighty Flame. In his heart he knows that through the use of the Violet Fire, man will receive God Illumination. 

Beloved ones, this evening, before the actual ceremony took place, beloved Kamakura was on his knees for over an hour before this Focus of the Violet Flame, praying with all the intensity of his Being that as the Violet Fire was accelerated during this thirty day period, God Illumination would come to man. Beloved of the Light, you who know of the activity of the Violet Flame and you say you love Saint Germain; I beseech you to PROVE it - use the Violet Fire assiduously while this Flame is further activated at this Retreat. This would be a tremendous gift from your hearts to our beloved Master. 

While our beloved Kamakura was on his knees, one could hear the glorious strains of the Retreat Music playing, oh, so softly and at the conclusion, he rose to his feet and faced the assembled Cosmic and Ascended Beings who had quietly taken their places in the Flame Room. Then we heard a sublime rendition of the Viennese Waltzes on the organ with accompanying chimes. As this music filled the Room, our beloved Lord King ascended to the altar. Following him was every Chohan who had ever served on the Violet Ray, and we all took our places on the three tiers of the Altar. Beloved Saint Germain and beloved Kamakura stood at the highest tier. All were attired in handsome garments presented to us by the lovely ladies of this Retreat. They were of the most exquisite silk. This material was so vibrant, so alive, as though the Violet Fire was blazing forth from them in regular pulsation. What an ecstatic feeling encompassed us all. 

When the moment for the actual breathing took place, as beloved Saint Germain and Kamakura breathed upon the Flame a magnificent Maltese Cross of Violet Fire externalized and followed the Flame track around the Earth. A duplicate of this Maltese Cross will be pulsating from every Focus of the Violet Fire all during this month. There is going to be an intensified activity of the Violet Fire this month and I pray you to USE, USE, USE this Divine Alchemy because through its use one does receive God Illumination. 

I promise you, if you will listen to me within your hearts, you are being given a great privilege this month because we are going to release and release the Violet Fire in expanded activity ...but only a certain amount is allowed by the Cosmic Law... unless unascended mankind send forth their Decrees, their Invocation, their Prayers and Musical Renditions to magnetize that Violet Fire all through the Planet. One does not wish to mention chaotic conditions of the day, but much can be accomplished if you will cooperate... through your own heart desire and through your Love of our Lord and King Saint Germain. 

I would like to tell you that you will have two Sponsors this month from Fujiyama. During the day, at your side, will be a Sponsor who has a tremendous momentum of the Flame of God Illumination! He or she will be with you to infiltrate your consciousness with the Flame of God Illumination, and when you come to the Retreat at night, know that another Sponsor will be in your aura giving you an intense anointing of the Violet Fire. We hope and pray that when the activities of this period come to a close that all of you will have much Joy in your hearts because you have cooperated with the Spiritual Hierarchy in this glorious Activity of Transmutation. 

Dear Chelas: I humbly counsel you to follow the Directives which have been so lovingly given to you in the foregoing address.

Love and Blessings,









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