Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 20, No. 26                                                                                                                             Sept. 26, 1971


Beloved Chelas: 

Your beautiful "I AM" Presence was made in the image and likeness of God - imperishable, self-luminous, divine, animated by the Flame within which is contained all understanding and powers, all love and all the gifts that the Father, himself, uses so freely in the establishment and maintenance of his glorious Kingdom. 

Your human personality is but one facet of your Presence, just as a mother who might have a family of four children would find each child but one facet of expression of her love, care and her sustaining consciousness which from generation to generation might enrich the Universe.

This being the case, you will see that the personal self can only secure the cooperation and assistance of the God-Presence as the personality desires to enter into the work of the Presence, understands the Love of the Presence, and cooperates with the fulfillment of the Great Plan of the Presence with regard to the Universe; otherwise the personality receives but the small allotment of energy which passes into the mind and body of all men, women and children to sustain them. 

There is but one way to secure a greater outpouring from the Presence, and that is to desire, honestly, to become of more use to the Presence, and when we do desire that honestly, the Presence is aware of that and more and more of the outpouring from the Presence will be the proof to you that the pathway toward peace of mind and heart and happiness lies in endeavoring through your own limited consciousness to serve your Presence to the best of your present abilities. Some people will serve the Presence more and some less, according to their present ability to contemplate what it wants and to use the faculties of discrimination in preparing themselves to render greater service. 

No individual will ever be happy anywhere on the planet Earth, or on any other planet, until he or she desires and decides to become a facet for their God-Reality, because that is the reason for his being.

Love and Blessings,







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