Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 20, No. 8                                                                                                                               May 23, 1971 

Beloved Chelas: 

You are all well acquainted with the activity of the Feast of Pentecost, which will be celebrated next Sunday, so today I would like to bring to your attention one of the activities of the Representative of the Holy Spirit to this Earth.

 I refer particularly to the glorious Comfort Flame, and perhaps it is because I have always felt that I was my brother's keeper, that I counsel you to study the few elementary statements which are presented to you in this release. 

The Flame of Comfort is such a magnificent outpouring of the Pure Divine Love of the Father-Mother God... one may take a single expression of Life, the whole Planet, or the Universe and cradle it within the Comfort Flame and in so doing remedy any distress which might be temporarily manifesting. 

When a mother takes a child into her arms, even though she may not be alleviating any discomfort in her offspring, but just embracing it in her Love, she is enfolding that lifestream in the Flame of Pure Divine Love. A true friend is one who is always ready to extend understanding Love to another, and in so doing bathes the recipient in the Flame of Comfort... an expression of Love through a modest gift is clothed in Comfort. 

You are aware of the many and varied expressions which Comfort can bring to an individual, or to the many, and I humbly suggest that you contemplate the Blessings which you, as chelas of the Spiritual Hierarchy, can bestow upon Life through Understanding Love and the use of the Comfort Flame. 

As your consciousness expands through this service, you will enter more deeply into this magnificent aspect of Pure Divine Love through the release of the Holy Unction of Comfort. If you have given Comfort to one individual on this Earth you have expanded this Flame of Comfort and it is a marvelous spiritual experience to just be grateful to the Comfort Flame and send it on its way around the planet to bless life, caring not who the recipient or recipients may be, for you are thus widening the borders of the Father-Mother God's kingdom through entering into the Heart of Pure Divine Love - that Virtue which is so required on this heavily burdened Planet.

Love and Blessings,






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