Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

Volume 20, No. 9                                                                                                                        May 30, 1971 

Beloved of the Light: 

When an individual feels that stirring within his being which prompts him to learn why he is on this planet and whether there is life after so-called death, it is an indication from the Immortal Flame within his heart that he is ready to put his feet upon the Path of Light! Then when that individual comes under the specific conscious direction of the Spiritual Hierarchy he finds he has to overcome many and varied obstacles - all placed there in former embodiments through his own free will choice of the use of his energy. 

The vibratory action of the inner bodies has had an independent life within the consciousness of the individual for so long that when that individual first determines to set the pattern of that vibration consciously, preceding the day's activities, directing the Flame through the emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies there is liable to be a resistance to a different rate of vibration. He notices that the bodies will attempt to assume their human nature at the first opportunity, when pressure touches any one of them during the ensuing day. 

I bring this to your attention for there will be many new students coming into your midst and in the case of those who have not developed the capacity to bring into their consciousness the instruction which they are receiving nightly that you will be extremely tolerant when they seem to "stumble" over various points of the Spiritual Law. Tolerance is of the Holy Spirit! A little introspection of your own experiences will bring to mind the fact that there have been many stumbling days for you, but through the Grace of the Great Ones you have been assisted over the difficult happenings. 

Those who come under the vibratory action of the Holy Spirit are fortunate indeed and must develop a helpful attitude toward their fellow travelers. We have all heard of a man's second nature. It would be well to realize that the human nature which is expressing is but one nature and that the True Nature is of the Spirit; one must be blended with the other so that man will eventually enter the Nature of the Spirit of the Father-Mother God which he knew when first he came into being as an Individual Identity!

Love and Blessings,