Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 20, No. 16                                                                                                                     July 18, 1971


Beloved Ones:


The acceptance of the "I AM" Presence as the basis of the mental Truths which form the foundation of life belief must be superseded eventually by all men through a realization of this Presence within the feeling nature. 

Individuals realize profit from investments, and in the larger sense realization as pertains to Spiritual Truth means the illumination of consciousness which allows the lifestream to accept through all its instruments this powerful, potent and Divine Force. 

The Presence of God is now and always shall be, but the evolving mankind does not enjoy the fullness of that Presence until they come into a realization of its omniscience and omnipresence. It was this realization that became the predominant factor in the life of the Master Jesus by which he accomplished all his victorious manifestations - by which he made REAL the abstract principles which the masses and the elite for centuries have affirmed, but not realized. It was this realization or understanding that came to the beloved Lord Gautama Buddha which transmuted his being into a full expression of Godhood. 

It is thus that man sometimes through ignorance or indifference can proceed through life performing injustices of judgment as well as action, because he has not realized the true state of his being or his association with similarly evolving lifestreams. 

When realization comes, an entirely different method of handling situations in individuals ensues, and when the Cosmic Realization with regard to the Divine Presence enters the soul, redemption is at hand. 

Contemplate the above Truth and make real and manifest the Infinite Power of the "I AM" Presence.

Love and Blessings,








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