Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 20, No. 17                                                                                                                     July 25, 1971


Beloved of the Light: 

I counsel you to enter deeply within the Sacred Flame in your hearts, as it is now my sacred privilege to begin the release of excerpts from the addresses of the great ones at the Summer Conference at Shamballa: 

Beloved Lord Divino speaks: 

"Welcome my friends; I am Lord Divino, the Buddha, serving this morning in ceremonial capacity for our beloved Lord of the World Gautama. I shall give you the preliminaries preceding the address, the Blessing, of our beloved Holy Æolus. Now, as he would say, kindly be seated and be comfortable. 

Oh, blessed ones, would that I could convey to you, each one, the Joy in the Heart of Heaven and particularly of our magnificent Holy Æolus. To us in Cosmic Realms it seems a short time ago - just a little over twenty years - when he lowered into the consciousness of some chelas the fact that we must have a Focus on Long Island devoted specifically to the Holy Spirit. To you, I guess, this has been a long time. We realize the energy of each blessed one that has come with their gifts of Love and Light; those who have given of the energy of their worlds and those who have given of their substance toward this Focus. 

May I tell you that a tremendous activity is taking place today and you know our beloved Æolus is such a gracious and grateful Being that he arranged for a glorious amphitheater over this property to have every individual who has given of their Light or even one dollar, who is now on the other side, and all the members of your families who have made the transition, to be in this amphitheater today, to see what you and all the chelas throughout the planet have done who have assisted in bringing forth this Focus. Thank you for standing. I am sure that every one, particularly those who did not always agree with your coming to meetings, is very grateful to each of you and they know through the dispensation of Lord Michael, so many gained their Freedom! 

First I would like to call your attention to the magnificent illuminated picture above the altar. This is a replica of the pattern our beloved Holy Æolus gave a couple of years ago when he hoped and had such Faith in the chelas that this Focus would come forth. He lowered this picture and it has been pulsating in the ethers over this property until such time as it could be brought forth. He has asked for a special blessing today upon the young man - the artist - who created this beautiful work of art! 

You will notice that we have a Crystal Chalice on the outer altar here. The chalice in the picture is golden and that signifies that when your consciousness is pure enough and you are holy enough, that you will be filled with the Golden Light of God Illumination and know that the beloved Pallas Athena, the Divine Complement of beloved Holy Æolus has stated that these Angels are Focuses of her Legions of Truth. There is Truth; there is Truth; there is Truth coming forth upon this planet, through The Bridge to Freedom and through many other avenues, but remember always that this Focus at Shamballa is the Heartbeat... don't boast about it because then you would spoil the blessing... it is the Heartbeat of all Spiritual Activities on this Planet - everyone doing their assigned perfect work according to the vibratory action of their various lifestreams. You folks are blessed beyond all words because you have raised the vibratory action of your vehicles where it is possible for you to come into this Sacred Sanctuary! This picture you see before you is for this Sanctuary alone! This is what the Holy Spirit has requested and so shall it be! 

I know that you have great Love in your hearts that you are here today and I must tell you that the Thought Form for this class is a Holy Grail - soon to be filled with the Blessings of all the Hierarchy assembled here. Drink deeply, my beloved ones of its Holy Essence and be filled with the Grace of the Holy Spirit. Blessed be his glorious name. 

Beloved Holy Æolus speaks:  

Ah lovely ones, what Joy I am experiencing this day; my Being wells with gratitude to you, my disciples of Light. Will you kindly be seated. 

I am grateful to the Beings of the Elements for their cooperation this day because you perhaps know that we have had rather oppressive weather heat on this Island and were not the Light of the Sun tempered this day, the radiation would be extremely strong and your vehicles might suffer. See the kindness, the Love, of the Host of Heaven for each of you dear ones! I salute the glorious Presence of God within each of your hearts as I tell you that "I AM" the bellows of the Breath which keeps that Flame pulsating. I speak not of myself personally but of the activity of all the Great Ones who have had the privilege of dispensing the Breath from Cosmic Realms."

Love and Blessings,