Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 20, No. 39                                                                                                              December 26, 1971



My Beloved Chelas: 

With the glorious feeling of the Christ pulsating with great intensity in, through and around the Planet Earth, we anticipate the lowering of the Thought Form for 1972 and the magnificent ceremony which accompanies that Service. 

When this is done, it becomes the responsibility of the Spiritual Hierarchy, who are always obedient to the directives given, and of the chelas who are apprised of the design for the ensuing year to cooperate in bringing that Divine Plan to fruition, through their combined thought and feeling forces. 

Once aware of the Thought Pattern for the year on January 1st, it is the obligation of the chelas and other sensitive members of the race to tune in, to absorb and manifest that perfection. With the unrest, confusion and chaos of the outer consciousness today, it is extremely difficult to project with sufficient power the Design of the Godhead so that it can reach through the vibratory action of the outer mind with sufficient pressure to be carried out by the members of the human race for their enrichment and permanent progress. 

The knowledgeable chela will realize that the pressure of the energies of unascended lifestreams does a great deal to impress upon the minds of the human race this Divine force so that it will be more easily assimilated by the race. In this manner, individuals could thus treat Governmental officials throughout the planet, the medical profession, teachers of constructive action in the many avenues of instruction, by charging into them the design of the Spiritual Hierarchy regarding their service, for they are all truly servants of the Hierarchy, but unable by development to understand or manifest their Superior Design. 

For instance... in the cities of Saint John in the western part of the United States, there is a great brotherhood wholly dedicated to the bringing of natural healing measures through music, through herbs, manipulation and adjustment, and who are eager and desirous of introducing this through mankind's servants now active in this line. There are many such Foci throughout the Earth and I most humbly counsel you to cooperate in every way with the Thought Pattern for this coming year. Your sensitivity to the Pattern for 1971 was indeed commendable and we look forward to your endeavors in 1972.

Love and Blessings,









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