A Message from the Holy Spirit




The Bridge to Freedom, Inc.                                                                                                       December 1971 


As the planet Earth comes to a fulfillment of its yearly revolution around the Sun, the vibratory action of the twelve months begins to sound its final chord and note, which contains within itself the keynote of the year and which, for the remaining days of the year is the predominant vibration felt by all people. 

Every Cosmic and Ascended Being connected with the evolution of the Earth endeavors to complete that portion of their service to life by the 21st of December, and the interim is spent in a cosmic holiday, so to speak. All the specific individual services of each God Flame dedicated to a particular task are finished by this date. In this way all are prepared by entering into the Great Silence to be receptive to the vibrations of the year to come, which will be set into motion at the Royal Teton on New Year's Eve. 

Every being... incarnate, discarnate and ascended is a vibratory center like the plucked string of a harp. In the Ascended and Cosmic capacity, the pulsation of the vibration which forms the radiation of service takes on the single note which is the keynote that is passing and all the variegated services of the Great Brotherhood blend gently into the note forming the Christmas Spirit which is felt, absorbed and we pray enacted by the mankind of Earth. 

Thus, the great keynote of 1971 is once more impressed powerfully on the bodies, the etheric records and the atmosphere of the year, so that the greatest possible impress of the brotherhood's service to man may be stamped on the consciousness of all people before the New Vibration of the coming year is felt and interpreted. 

I humbly counsel each of you to join with us as we enter more deeply into the Great, Great Silence at this period and to so arrange your outer affairs that your attention will be on the Holiness and Peace of the Christmas Season - and in this manner your own beloved Christ Presence may expand its Gifts of Light to this Planet. 

My Peace and Pure Divine Love I offer to you from the recesses of my Being where I shall be happy to take you at any time you turn your attention to me, there to join with you in Sacred Communion, in adoration to the all-pervading Light of the Father- Mother God.

In the Spirit of Grace,

"I AM" Ĉolus Cosmic Holy Spirit