Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 19, No. 3                                                                                                       April 19, 1970


Children of My Heart:


Turn your attention to any Ascended Master of your heart desire for a moment - think of this Master in his study tuned in to the Will of God and desiring with all the greatness of his Heart to place his faculties and capacities at the service of the Father to make his Will manifest. 

In the Will of God there is a perfect picture for the Earth, the creatures of the deep, the animal kingdom and mankind. There is, perhaps, no greater means to serve God than for volunteers to see God's Will done on the Earth plane and so the Master turns to the Earth as his avenue of service. 

He will then meet the free will of the people of Earth with which he cannot, by Cosmic Law, interfere. The Master, then, thinking within himself that he will re­quire, first and foremost in his service, someone unascended who has the same in­terests and desires as himself, looks around among the peoples of Earth. Then, vibration being such a sensitive means of identification, the Master will decide on one whose vibrations are similar in tone, color and keynote to his own. If such a one be found, sometimes he must listen long before the faint rays of such a vibration can be picked up from all the vast and moving throng. Sometimes a Master has waited thousands of years before he could get one vibration through whom he might pour his instructions into the consciousness of men. 

The Master, as you can realize, does not just send Rays into the Earth and know that there are some people there who will be in a state of grace, in a vibratory action complementary to his own, to have the Will of the Father manifest. To express God's Will on Earth is sometimes a very long and, if I may use a word associated with the lower consciousness, "tedious" process. 

Why do I tell you this? For the simple reason that it is most gratifying to have chelas on the Earth plane who are daily turning their attention Godward through whom we may release the Ideas in the Etheric Realm - but this is always done with a prayer in our Hearts that the chelas will not just accept the impulses as beautiful, or grand, or any other adjective you may wish to use and then forget about carrying out the Plan which has been inspired, pulsated and presented to them, hopefully.

Love and Blessings,









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