Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 15, No. 8                                                                                               May 22, 1966


Beloved of the Light: 

Have you ever stopped to consider that all service rendered through your vehicles is accomplished by the Holy Spirit, through the Holy Breath - flowing through my Being and it is my Life which you are using? 

Therefore, all that you are, can do and be through the Truth of your being, the Presence within, should be an act of God. The energy which I use, my life, can only serve the inhabitants of this Earth through the vehicles of the chelas, or other dedicated lifestreams, who willingly lay their ALL upon the altar of the Spiritual Brotherhood. 

The Gift of Life is mine to bestow, and I do use the vehicles lovingly and graciously offered me, for the enrichment of the consciousness of the peoples of this Earth, through the loving radiation which does emanate through you. 

One cannot continually send forth the Essence of the Almighty without it blessing those who are aware of the Service of the Cosmic and Ascended Host. Reverently and gratefully accept this endowment from the Supreme Source of All Life, knowing that you are myself in action, and that the purpose of my Being is to expand God's Kingdom on Earth specifically, and throughout the Universe as a result. 

All Perfection manifests through those lifestreams who have attained a state of loving Harmony in all their vehicles, and "I AM" filled with gratitude that this attainment is being accomplished by the chelas under our Direction.

Love and Blessings,








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