Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

Volume 15, No. 20                                                                                                       August 14, 1966


Beloved Chelas: 

From time to time I request you to review your mode of living, and by that I infer your use of God's Pure Energy, given to you to expand your Light and that of the world. 

Thus I again direct your attention to the CODE OF CONDUCT FOR A DISCIPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, given to you in great Love and Wisdom by my Predecessor, now Holy Æolus. 

Make the ritual of thy living, the observance of God's rules, so unobtrusive that no man shall know that thou aspirest to Godliness, lest the force of his outer will might be pitted against thee, or lest thy service become impinged with pride. 

Let thy heart be a song of gratitude that the Most High has given unto thy keeping the Spirit of Life this, through thee, chooses to widen the borders of his Kingdom. 

Be alert always to use thy faculties and the gifts loaned unto thee by the Father of all Life, in a manner to extend his Kingdom. 

The discerning chela requires no amplification on the above and I shall watch with great interest your further study and application of the instruction contained therein.

Love and Blessings,







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