Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 7, No. 25                                                                                        Sept. 21, 1958


Dearly Beloved children of the one Father: 

It gives me untold pleasure to come and visit with each one of you as you ponder on these words of mine. 

Mankind has not yet understood how powerful is the substance of thought and feeling. Thought can be so concentrated and projected that it forms a shield of invisible substance strong enough to deflect physical objects directed at it. This has been accomplished time and again by the Masters in the East in order to show the supremacy of thought force over matter. 

Thought and feeling, therefore, can become an individual shield or shell of actual substance that can stand around an individual, and not only be a protection against physical danger but the far more important and subtle invisible impressions driven at the soul - particularly when that one has accepted Light. 

To protect a lifestream from danger a very positive and strong thought of well-being must first, be created in the sender, and then consciously directed to the object of one's solicitation, and held there with that same positive assurance. If the sender wavers in his positive feeling through fear, negation or uncertainty, the shell or shield loses in power and force, according to the intensity of the uncertainty in the consciousness of the sender. That is why we have suggested, when individuals choose to protect another, they project the thought-force with the mental picture of Ascended Master as an actual Substance and Being between the object of solicitation and the danger. The Master's presence in the thought gives the sender courage and confidence in the efficacy of the Master's Power, even though he has not yet that confidence in his own protective ability to concentrate force through thought and feeling. 

Individuals in hypnotism convey thought powerfully enough to affect the suggestive senses in the mind of a receiver, proving the power of thought-force of even the unawakened. Individuals, however, have no concept of their power to not only mold physical substance, but to deflect that substance from intruding itself out of its given place, until they experiment with this Law. 

The Ascended Master can strongly influence the chela through thought-force when the chela opens to door of kinship by inviting the Master's suggestions or radiation. Otherwise, the Master, by Cosmic Law, is not allowed to influence the course of the chela's evolution or progress. The Master is most eager, however, to direct the wisdom of his consciousness, when invited, because there are too few facets for the expansion of the Designs and Plans of the Heavenly Host. 

If you would start your day with a thought-picturization of the most perfect day, filled with the greatest good, and follow it through with the pattern that you would like to see fulfilled in, through and around every person and condition you encounter, then invite the radiation of the Master of your choice to act through you, you would have set a design for the day which would form the rhythmic pulsation for that day. This would dissipate the unpleasant manifestations that externalize so frequently in the daily human struggle. Make a practice of setting up this perfect pattern for the day upon arising and you will see a vast change in your life and your affairs. It should take but five minutes to treat your day before you enter into its activities. 

You know how careful persons are about preparing the temperature of bath-water before entering it, and yet they invariably neglect to treat the unformed energy of the day, but plunge into this energy unprepared, with no thought that they should be the master control of that which is to come. Of course, the Violet Flame, when used with great sincerity does treat the energy of your day, but strong positive thought and feeling forms sent forth in the morning are the Pathway of Life that is spoken of upon which you may proceed through your daily experiences in very great peace and assurance. Try it beloved ones.

Love and Blessings,








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