Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 7, No. 26                                                                                                            Sept. 28, 1958


Dearly Beloved children of God: 

"I AM" so privileged and honored to be allowed, at present, to participate in the expansion of the Comfort Flame to the Sweet Earth and all evolutions presently using it as a Planetary Home! On this evening of September 20, 1958, we open the doors officially to our Temple of Comfort and here, in the Southern Island off the coast of India, you shall have welcome whensoever you choose to visit with us. I know you will come often and abide with us for awhile, until your inner vehicles are saturated with the FEELING of Comfort which you will, then take back with you into your own dear spheres of influence, upon waking each new day. True God Comfort, like unto Peace, is such a POSITIVE feeling which you can absorb and then, according to the requirement of Cosmic Law, expand for the blessing of all imprisoned life. 

To some dear chelas, it is difficult to recognize the Holy Spirit as a Being. To them, I say, be of comfort, little ones, there is always a Divine Being whose RADIATION is his or her own consciously qualified energy given, in love, to bless all life. As the Holy Comforter to this Earth, "I AM" not concerned with the acceptance or rejection of my person, I AM, however, very concerned with the giving of my Gift of Comfort to imprisoned angels, humankind and the sweet elemental kingdom, to more quickly bring all the life, which is truly the Body of God, into the comfortable estate which is each one's own Divine Heritage. 

So many of you dear chelas feel, to a degree, as I do. I have, therefore, opened the doors of the Ascended Masters' Retreats to any and all of you so, through proximity to those Feelings, you will more quickly attain your own Victory and represent me wheresoever on Earth's surface you are presently located. You are in embodiment at this time at a specific place on this Earth because in your Causal Bodies there is a momentum of energy qualified to hold God Balance at that place. Sometimes, through the eons that have passed, you did great good on the landed surface of the Earth right where you now live. Thus the Lords of Karma saw to it that you, through what seemed ordinary circumstances, embodied in those particular vicinities again at this crucial hour.

In other cases, where you had fallen from grace and done great harm (temporary of course) in certain localities, you learned at inner levels, between embodiments, of those mistakes and, profiting by your experiences, You asked the Lords of Karma opportunity to embody in those particular localities in order, through the power of invocation of the God Virtue required, you might redeem your past errors and be a great part in the ushering in of Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain's Golden Age. These Lords of Karma are so merciful and just that they always give OPPORTUNITY to individuals to settle their score with life. So, tonight, rejoice in that OPPORTUNITY and in the magnificent way in which you are preparing for the glorious Seventh Ray's King and Queen, the Ascended Master Saint Germain and Lady Portia. 

What is Comfort, some in distress ask? Comfort is life raised into Light by the self conscious endeavors of Ascended and unascended beings. Wherever there is a shadow of distress, life has to be accelerated into Light. Think now, as we gather together, how many dear individuals who learn to change shadowed life into Light upon this Earth will do to hasten her evolution. There is nothing mystical about the changing of the quality of energy for even the undisciplined lifestreams change the energy in their worlds through thought, feeling, spoken word and action many times during a day. The conscious control in the chela of the transmuting of all shadows into Light is the service which I offer you. 

It will be such a joy and happiness to you to love life free, it will be such a happy and glorious experience for me to have chelas all over the world acting as conductors of my Comforting Presence in their own spheres of influence and, best of all, the Light of the World will increase by this added impetus upon all Our parts. Thus we are drawn together in mutual service for the benefaction of all shadowed and imprisoned life. This is a tie stronger than any earthy tie and lasts throughout Eternity. Gurus and chelas, so serving together become Light brothers and Light sisters and, onward and upward, on the ladder of evolution, the cosmic tie grows stronger and more powerful through Love. 

The Ascended Master Guru cannot serve in this world of form, except through chelas willing to accept his instructions and assist him in his service. So, to you, who eagerly and willingly desire to be a Comforting Presence on Earth, "I AM" so grateful.  

The acceptance of a chela by any Ascended being carries a great responsibility with it, because the Ascended Master knows both the strengths and the weaknesses of the chela and willingly volunteers to take on the karma of the chela if, after entering the gates of birth, such an one does not fulfill his or her vow and help to expand the Light of the World. If the chela does fulfill that vow, how happy we are for them and for the World that is benefited by their Light. For every hundred chelas so accepted, about three have the perseverance to continue upon their appointed service throughout an entire lifetime. The others, for a time resting, we serve by pouring additional Light from our own Causal Bodies into the emotional, mental, etheric and physical strata of Earth through whatever harmonious channels we can find. 

The very Earth, itself, is divided into many strategic points wherein certain God-Virtues are most required. At each of these points, a Divine Being has established, sustained and expands the Virtue to hold the balance for good for the dear Planet and her evolutions. This Being never leaves this Focus until one of his or her chelas qualifies to accept the responsibility and obligation of continuing to magnetize and radiate that Virtue through the lower strata of the Earth's atmosphere. So constant are the Divine Ones in this Service. So constant are you, my children, in your endeavors to be a radiating Presence of Light wherever you are. 

I said some time ago, 'The light from a penny candle adds to the Light of the World'. This is, of course, more true when the beautiful Christ Light is ignited and expands through the chela for the impersonal benefaction of all imprisoned life. You literally 'shine' like the stars you look upon in the Heavens and I say to you, each one, blessed be your ever-expanding Light. The Silent Watchers of every continent see that Light and thus they know through whom certain God Virtues can and do flow. The Ascended Beings, told by the Silent Watchers, of your Light, increase the pressure of their Radiation through you, in gratitude for a channel for their energy. 

During this 'thirty-day period, particularly, we, at the Temple of Comfort, are so grateful for the opportunity to add to the Light of the World and to give to Lord Gautama more Light for the Earth which he has accepted the responsibility for redeeming. There is nothing neither abstract nor mystical in Spiritual Law. Within your dear hearts is a focus of the God who made you. Your destiny is to allow that focus to expand through you until you are a Son of God, radiating forth Light, Comfort, Peace, Healing and every God Virtue. 

As the Third Aspect of the Holy Trinity is under my direction, "I AM" eager to help you to be, right now here on Earth, sons of God, even as the Beloved Jesus was and is. Please allow me to give you this assistance. I tell you, you shall rejoice in externalizing your Light and you shall be of such assistance to imprisoned life everywhere, in this hour when the Earth requires the cooperation of all Light Bearers! Ponder on this, beloved! As your own Holy Christ Flame expands its gifts impersonally, these gifts are the radiation of the Holy Spirit IN YOU but you do not lose your identity. Rather you increase your identity through allowing God, through you, to give blessing to the sphere in which you abide. It is so, also, with us. We do not lose our identity but rather our spheres of influence are larger and the nature of the Holy Spirit (which some in this world of form feel is abstract) is constantly emanating from us all. What we have done, you shall do. Come to us and enjoy the proximity of the brothers and sisters who are the radiating centers of Comfort for this entire evolution. 

One day man, beast, elemental and imprisoned angels feeling your love radiation will be raised by proximity to your dear auras. Persevere to that Day!

Love and Blessings,