Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 6, No. 2                                                                                                                     April 14, 1957


Beloved Children: 

The eagerness of the students to bridge the chasm between the outer darkness of the human mind and the Ascended Master consciousness is a beautiful and powerful impetus which carries the soul to great heights. Eagerness zeal and enthusiasm must never be dimmed in the hearts of those in which it rises but eagerness and enthusiasm are like the topmost peak of a mountain covered with ice, and often times the consciousness slips from the peak into the valleys of despair, discouragement and disappointment when manifestation does not fit the expectation of the aspirant. 

Now, we must understand that the aspirant is the soul in darkness seeking Light - the darkness being relative - but until the individual is ascended there is an accumulation of more or less shadow. This aspirant is eager for the fullness of Truth and that in itself, is good, but the aspirant being in the shadow does not know what to expect from the aspect of wisdom; his expectations are, therefore, no criterion as to whether or not he is receiving the greatest outpouring according to the requirements of his own soul growth. Yet the sincere student and aspirant who zealously applies the Law to the best of his ability is constantly catapulting himself over the chasms of despair and discouragement because the result (of which he has no knowledge intellectually) is incomplete to his own human opinion. 

If the student could but understand what so often has been said, namely, that he make his application, and release in the knowledge that application cannot fell, he would save himself endless travels up and down between repeated effort and lethargy, enthusiasm and despair. 

When the lifestream tunes into the Master the intellect is the last to know what the return wave of energy brings into the consciousness and inner bodies of the lifestream. Because this is so, and because the intellect is the governing Power of the outer consciousness to a great decree, the marvelous application which brings such great results is often times abandoned when the outpouring is greatest en account of the limited comprehension of the outer self. 

If the student body could understand the tremendous results that follow the invocation to any member of the Hierarchy or the Brotherhood they would trust in the wisdom of the Presence and the Masters who have pointed the Way, and they would absorb happily the radiation received. You see the flower grows in full glory because it has an intellectual consciousness. Thinking of the intellect of man unascended if placed within the Earth, locked in a hard shell, seed or bulb, you can picturize the disbelief that the Earth itself and torrents of water and beating sunlight were doing aught but smothering and destroying the evolving life, yet the forces of Nature combine those apparently binding elements around the potential flower to build the physical properties required to bring that flower to full bloom - but the flower in itself just absorbs that radiation and has no opinion, so the full bloom is the result. If man could do likewise long since would the flower of his Divinity have peacefully unfolded in God's Kingdom. 

This should be an encouragement to you all, dear ones. Try not to have any opinion as to whether you are progressing or not, because God - the I AM in your heart, and our composite outpouring will be your Freedom in spite of your intellectual opinion to the contrary. The only thing it does is to cause you present mental anguish that could be avoided.

Love and Blessings,









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