Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 6, No. 3                                                                                                                      April 21, 1957


To my dear travelers on the Spiritual Path: 

When Colonel Livingston went into the heart of dark Africa, he left, as a heritage to all the missionaries and explorers to follow, the wealth of his consciousness. The maps of the rivers, the jungles and morasses all became the heritage by which all succeeding lifestreams are redeeming that part of the planet. 

This has seemed to be an intellectual heritage, but I can tell you that no man, woman nor child has entered into Africa since his advent without the overshadowing power, protection and consciousness of Livingston's lifestream. 

It is in exactly the same manner that the Master Jesus became the Way-shower for the planet Earth, which is, in our system, the darkest Planet - just as Africa is the darkest continent on the planet Earth. 

The Path is not only to be admired; it is to be trod upon. Beloved Jesus, in that high consciousness which propelled him through death itself, is willing on the sincere call of the heart, to give, and has given and will give, all of the Fire, the Love, the One-ness, the Strength and the Purity of his Being to anyone treading his Way. 

On Palm Sunday Jesus was met by the multitude who praised him at the entrance of the City of Jerusalem. Now the word "Jerusalem" means "Self". It was within Jerusalem that Jesus met his greatest trial and attained his greatest mastery. 

At the entrance to the Spiritual Path when the outer self is first inspired by the knowledge of the Masters and the Gods, it is often unduly elated and proud, accepting the hosannas of the multitudes as confirmation of victory. Many, many students do not realize that it is the week from Palm Sunday to Easter that is the final testing point on the Path - thin as a spider-web, sharp as a razor, and yet strong as steel, the Christ Power will hold the feet of anyone willing to watchfully continue thereon. 

As you might take a drop of a magic elixir before attempting to rise over a perpendicular cliff to make your body light, so, beloved ones, it is wise, when on the Path, to drink of the Christ Substance again and again, for there is no failure, only Victory, when one avails oneself of this Ever-Present Compassionate Love - Love one for another. Easter Blessings to you all. 

My Love enfolds you, each one.

Love and Blessings,








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