Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 3, No. 21                                                                                         August 22, 1954


My Blessed Children: 

How dear to my heart are your expressions of love that come to me in your individual epistles and back to you, on the beam of your own sweet energies go my salutation and blessing not only for your final victory, but for your present comfort and encouragement. Have you thought that while my office is that of "comforter" you, in turn, are a "comfort" to me through the sweet intercourse we have one with another. Love is Life itself and everything from the smallest molecule to the Godhead responds to love. The more one pours out love to life in general, the more peace and harmony and blessings of every kind return "pressed down, shaken together and running over". Weary not of well-doing and well-wishing. These activities pay dividends not only in the "hereafter", but in your everyday living. 

Life, as you know, is an activity of energy and vibration - a receiving and a giving. We are constantly receiving through the heartbeat unsullied life and are just as constantly, through our individual thoughts and feelings, transmuting its quality into whatever expression the mood of the moment dictates, when all our efforts should be centered in raising the quality of our energy through consciously directed thought and feeling into the divine nature of this pure life that is flowing into our use so generously and so ceaselessly. 

We often hear it said - "Oh, how I wish I could see and feel the angels' presence". You know, the angels are very like birds and the nature kingdom at large, such as the faun and the rabbit or any of the gentle folk who represent the realm of nature. If you study the reaction of these little creatures to vibration you will begin to understand the requirement of the peaceful and gentle vibrations that will enable a bird to alight upon your hand or a faun to lie at your feet, and this same vibration is required to bring in and sustain the presence of the angelic host during your meditation or as a protective presence within your household or around the lifestreams of those to whom you feel yourself dedicated at the moment. 

To cultivate that peaceful feeling in yourself, which you can test again and again by the reaction of the physical nature kingdom toward you, is to prepare yourself to become a co-worker with the angelic kingdom and thus greatly assist in their outpouring of love and light to the people of earth. Saint Francis of Assisi could draw any creature of the forest by his radiation of peace and his actual love for these beings and he was surrounded constantly by countless members of the angelic host who did his bidding on more than one occasion in protecting and sustaining lives, dissolving plagues and preventing storms of catastrophic fury. 

Thus, individuals who can become one with the consciousness and radiation of the angelic host could walk into the center of a tornado and return that energy to peace and these people will be a tremendous power in the days ahead. They will also be a peace commanding presence, through radiation alone, having a quieting effect on the turbulent natures of those they meet in the ordinary course of their daily living. We are beginning now a world-wide search for volunteers and we feel with good hope. that we can train enough of the human kingdom that when the angelic host come into embodiment in great numbers there will be already established centers to which they will naturally gravitate by the seemingly natural course of events.

Love and Blessings,







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