Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 3, No. 22                                                                                                                August 29, 1954


Beloved Ones: 

It is with great pleasure I submit for your enjoyment a resume of the report of my beloved son, Kuthumi, on the Transmission Flame ceremony held at my Retreat on the Island of Ceylon, on the evening of August 21st, preceding. It is my hope that each one of my children will join his or her energies with ours every evening while this Retreat is active, or you may tune in your energies at any hour of the day or night you may find it convenient, breathing in this ever active Flame (which comprises for this month the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit) and then visualize this Seven-Fold Flame encircling the planet - raising, illumining and transmuting every person, place, condition and thing it touches. You have each asked me at one time or another how you may assist in this endeavor and I say to you, my children, that expanding the Transmission Flame is one of the most efficacious means of awakening the consciousness of the people because the Light stirs the Flame in the heart into action and in a divinely natural way illumines the intellect thereby arousing an interest in God's Divine Plan for the universe. During this busy month, I welcome each one of you hourly or daily into my Retreat.

Blessings and Love,


Beloved Friends: 

This night is a magnificent one of happiness for those of us who live but to love life. For those of us who live within the comforting aura of the great Maha Chohan; who have absorbed his Light; who have been part of his love and who have become through proximity to his presence - Radiating Centers of one of the Seven Great Gifts, all of which he embodies in his own blazing heart - it has been a much appreciated opportunity. 

For those of you who have contemplated even intellectually the gifts of the Holy Spirit, there must have come a realization of the magnificence of a Being who is the full developed mastery and control of all of these qualities. Those of us who are given the opportunity of qualifying our energy after the pattern of the great Holy Spirit and creating a rhythmic pulsation of even one of these gifts, know full well the amount of mastery that is required to become a radiating center for all of those virtues in order to supply on demand of embodied mankind, as well as all the Ascended Master Kingdom, as much of that virtue as any life shall call forth to use for himself. 

Have you thought when you call for purity or when you call for peace that if some being had not chosen to qualify primal life with the gift you ask for, that there would be no source of already consecrated purity, peace, healing or forgiveness? Some intelligence even like yourselves facing the Source of all Life have taken primal life and, through the use of free will, pass the energy of feeling through it and thus created the foci of these great cosmic gifts. Then, after they had created these great foci, these Beings have stood guard over that qualified life energy, holding it and increasing it with every heartbeat until the hour when it should be invited into the world of men. Then a beam from that cosmic Presence and that aura carries the virtue to whatever focus it is called. 

Touch the hem of the garment of the Holy Spirit - you who need comfort. Invite a ray from his great cosmic Heart and let the energies of your world embody the magnificence which he has gathered from the Sun. Long before you call has he answered and built that comfort for the day when you would require it. Within that comfort are those gifts of forbearance, of fortitude, of humility, reverence and piety. Within that comfort are all those many ramifications of the Divine Nature of Goodness. 


(Beloved Kuthumi's Report will be continued in next week's Bulletin)

(The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit will be found in the August Bridge under the heading "Masters of Wisdom speak".)