Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 2, No. 9                                                                                                                    May 24, 1953


When we look at the flow of energy from the Heart of the Presence we see a rapidly pulsating river of prismatic Light. If we were to slow down the vibratory action of that life energy we would see that the electrons making up the Flame of the Presence carry a distinct design which differs from all others, even as the geometrical perfection of the snowflake is - singular. 

As this energy is molded by the thought and fooling body into form and sent forth into the universe, it carries the plan of the original design of the lifestream. That energy goes forth in a handclasp, so that the individual receiving the handclasp - when the hand is removed - has upon the palm, superimposed over his own energy, many thousands of these tiny forms representative of the lifestream of the giver. The second individual then goes on his way, performing one act or another, yet he carries with him some of the energy from his friend and this is how one's energy passes on in an almost endless chain from one to another in handclasps and other services repairing contact in different modes of service until the energy from each one goes to many, many parts of the planet. The outer world has touched the fringe of this in their science of 'personal magnetism', but they refer to the human effluvia which covers the pure particles of Light, whereas we refer to the life structure and picture within. 

The manner in which the particles are charged forth determines the resulting effect upon the lifestream releasing them. The energy may pass to another in the handclasp, but the dominant feeling in the emotional body - as it goes forth will determine whether its passage through the universe carries friendship and love or otherwise, and in its return circle, of course it will pick up only vibrations similar to its own and so its return again unto its source brings amplified a million fold the initial vibration with which it was sent forth. 

If a woman could see the sparks of Light going forth from her fingertips when she is cooking and the substance of Light that goes into the food she handles she would be amazed to see how much of herself that she charges into the repasts that she prepares for her family and friends. 

It is one of the most important and least understood activities of life that the radiation and feeling that go into the preparation of food effect everyone who partakes of it and this activity should be unhurried, peaceful and happy. It would be better that an individual did not eat at all than to eat food that has boon prepared under the feeling of anger, resentment, depression or any outward pressure, because the substance of the lifestream performing the service flows into that food and is eaten and actually becomes part of the energy of the receiver. That is why the advanced spiritual teachers of the East never eat food prepared by anyone other than their own chelas, and if the individual who sometimes is possessed of the only advanced spiritual understanding in the household and who seems to have little time for personal application, would make the preparation of his or her culinary efforts an active charge of Happiness, Purity, Peace, Opulence and Freedom - what the other members won't get by study - they will eat. I may say that there are more ways than one of allowing the Spirit of God to enter the flesh of man. 

The pattern of your lifestream is a beautiful design and the electrons that make up your Presence are all composed of that original form. The Light flowing from your Presence into your heart also contains that form. For instance, the electrons that form the body of Saint Germain are in the shape of a Maltese Cross and those of Lord Buddha are in the form of an open lotus. When those individuals speak, the words that proceed from their mouths and set up vibrations in the universe are made up of countless millions of tiny crosses or flowers. When they raise their hand the electrons passing from the hand are composed of myriads of tiny forms representative of their lifestreams. The atmosphere around them is filled with millions and millions of those tiny forms going out into the universe. The places where their feet have stood have the imprint of these tiny electronic patterns and that substance is transposed upon the garments that they wore, the rooms in which they lived, the trees that shaded them and the beds that they laid upon. 

The most powerful concentrated designs are closest to the physical body or to the place where the individual abode during his last incarnation and that is why you will find a certain identity in Spiritual Centers where great men and women achieved knowledge and spiritual victories. 

Your home, your environment and personal effects are likewise powerfully charged with the electronic pattern of your lifestream. That Pattern itself is neutral, but the feeling that your energy released through it determines its radiation. It is like your fancy cookie cutter that will make a form out of mud or dough. When the pattern of your life stream is charged into the Universal Light Substance - if your feeling is harmonious - its radiation will be of benefit to all life; if the feeling is inharmonious - it still carries your pattern and as it proceeds from you into the universe, you will bear the responsibility for all the life it affects discordantly before it returns in its circle to you. There is no man who can stand before the All-Seeing Eye of God and deny the pattern of his own life energy imposed on any part of life constructively or destructively, for where your stamp is, like your footprint, there is where you have been and to life you must answer for what was done there. 

The Master Jesus used his hands almost constantly as conductors of the energy drawn from God and charged through the electrons of his great lifestream with Healing Power into those requiring assistance. He and his disciples healed by the laying on of hands. In this manner the electronic particles of the Master's energy were charged into the physical structure as well as into the mental, emotional and etheric bodies of those requiring assistance. These particles of Light remained with the individual and radiated the feeling, of the Master long after he had proceeded on his way. His purpose in this was to sustain his Consciousness in the individual thus assisted, lest the mass mind would draw him back into his former way of thinking. Everybody close to the Master Jesus in that embodiment was literally covered with the Star Dust of his Light which was as tangible a Robe of Grace as was the White Garment which he, himself, wore. Likewise the whole planet was benefitted by the radiation of his Presence. 

Be careful, therefore, how you speak because every time you speak a word there rushes forth from your mouth - energy, and every word you speak creates a thoughtform composed of the pattern of your lifestream. If Saint Germain were to pronounce the word 'cat' that form would be' com composed of myriads of little open end crosses and if the Lord Buddha said the word 'cat' - his thought form would be composed of little lotuses. It behooves us then to be careful how we use our energy because according to the manner of sending it worth do we receive Happiness or otherwise in its return.

Love and Blessings,







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