Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 2, No. 10                                                                                                                    May 31, 1953


I would like to describe to you the Heart of God... It is a task that I cannot faithfully put into words, but I would like at least to stir your interest to the point where you begin to journey through the medium of your consciousness deeper and deeper and deeper into that Stillness which forms the Sacred Heart from whence has come forth into being this universe and all of us - small and great alike. 

It is Home in its truest and deepest sense; it is security and safety and understanding and love without censure and peace without price... It is Light as the most exquisite sunshine that your imaging faculties could conceive and yet it is as restful as the twilight... It is as silent as the sun in the heavens in the performance of its cosmic duties and yet it is filled with sound in perfect harmony. You might say it is every pair of opposites in their perfect sense - without dissensions or imperfections of any kind - for every quality has two poles - silence and sound - activity and stillness although mankind has falsely created in this world of form an opposite to love, which is hate - an opposite to silence, which is noise.

However, within this great Cosmic Heart is a realm, Saint Germain calls it the Great, Great Silence. Jesus called it the Kingdom of Heaven others call it the Sacred Heart. David called it the Secret Place of the Most High, I call it the Power of Love Divine; but whatever name it is called - it is the ultimate goal toward which all Life is journeying and it can be experienced by the evolving consciousness of any unascended being when he becomes still enough. 

Once you have entered into the Heart of that exquisite Stillness where you will meet with every being who has mastered the outer self, where you can see the full design of God's Plan for every creature, you will, like myself, never leave it again, but you will work from within that Heart, abiding in Perfect Peace. Your physical heart is a replica of the Great Cosmic Heart of the Universe and through the door of that Heart you can enter the place of Stillness and you will find it increasing and becoming more tangible as you practice the cultivation of that Inner Peace. 

I smile when I see the mankind of earth so intent on travel and vacation, when they may go into this Inner Realm on a breath and come back more restored than any resort, or any physical sunshine or water spa could manifest for them. 

Dear children of my Heart, I implore you to enter deep, deep, deep into the Heart of the Silence - and know for yourselves the Fullness of Life that is there for your health, enjoyment, prosperity and peace.

Blessings and Love,