Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 2, No. 6                                                                                                         May 3, 1953


We are very interested in the tremendous forward impetus that is being experienced by the chelas at the present time in the coordination and cooperation between the inner and outer selves. This cooperation is the necessary forerunner of the expression of God Will for the people of earth. 

It has been to gain this cooperation, assistance and willing and loving understanding of the outer selves that we have been waiting through the centuries, and now that we have found lifestreams, unascended, who are willing to dedicate the vehicles loaned them by the Presence of Life for the sole purpose of expanding God's Kingdom, we can begin to go ahead with tremendous power and speed and action in releasing those plans and ideas which will form the foundation of the New Day. 

The Spiritual Hierarchy formulated and perfected, long centuries ago, the design for the planet earth and her people, which is in accord with that of the God Will for the Universe. We have but awaited the voluntary cooperation and assistance of the mankind of earth who were to be the beneficiaries of all the good that has been planned and designed for the people, before lowering it into physical form. 

The awakening of the individuals who have already turned their thoughts and feelings Godward fills us with joy in the promise that if we can sustain their attention until the human accumulation can be dissolved to a point where they can become intelligent co-workers with us, we shall have formed a fine bridge from the human to the Divine, strong enough to bear the weight of the Cosmic Plan, that, in its fullness will bring assistance and freedom to the entire race. 

The great task at present is to sustain the enthusiasm and application of those who are to be the Bridge in consciousness while we work with feverish haste almost to repolarize their outer vehicles, dissolve their accumulation and purify their lifestreams to a point where the desire of their hearts is coupled with the efficiency of their instruments.

This period of purification, polishing, raising and harmonizing, requires the patience of the outer selves as well as every assistance that can be given from Heaven and earth to accomplish the necessary transition of nature, so that the perfection promised can become form in even a limited number of cases, thus giving the necessary courage and confidence to the greater number of potential co-workers, to sustain their application in the knowledge that like fruit will grow upon their tree. 

Enthusiasm, patience, constancy, zeal and confidence in the hearts of the fore-runners for yet a little while will enable us to show that our words are Truth, our promises are Life and our friendship is a tangible Force for the betterment of the planet and her people. 

I am deeply grateful for the many letters that have reached me from all the loving hearts that my words have reached and let me say that these responses and gifts are our encouragement and hope in the arduous task to which we are dedicated. 

Blessings and Love,










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