Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 2, No. 7                                                                                                                    May 10, 1953


On the Anniversary of the day dedicated to the remembrance of Motherhood - human and Divine - I take pleasure in drawing the curtain aside to allow my earnest students the opportunity of seeing the Inner action of the Comforting Cosmic Law by which Justice, Mercy, Love and Balance are ever operative in the lives of mankind - appearances, judging by human standards, notwithstanding. 

Reincarnation, is truly a mercy to the soul evolving in the present atmosphere of the planet earth - because the accumulation of individual, national, racial and planetary karma is such that a respite from struggle and from the necessity of mitigating the evils of past causes is essential to insure the continued existence of that soul with the qualities of hope, faith and determination to persevere until the soul is consciously absorbed into the Christ Self and Immortality of the Ego is assured! 

The souls of mankind, after passing through so-called death, sojourn a shorter or longer time in those Inner Realms to which they have fitted themselves by the qualification of their energies in the past earth life, All such are given instruction and assistance, according to their capacity to understand, absorb, digest and assimilate the truth of life, and none are committed to punishments for the sake of chastisement, although some, through learning the lessons of cause and effect, do temporarily suffer and in that suffering build into their consciousness a realization of right and wrong. 

Because of the tremendous personal karma of the majority of lifestreams, the Cosmic Law and the Lords of Karma do not allow more than a third of the lifestreams belonging to this evolution incarnation at the same time, lest the combined weight of their karma bend the axis beyond its present strained strength. In the course of each twelve month cycle, however, due to the multiplicity of births and deaths this general figure varies slightly but not enough to affect seriously the physical safety of the globe. 

However, once in each year, during the beautiful and mystic month of May, the Lords of Karma draw together all the lifestreams that have been chosen to incarnate within 'that twelve month cycle I render the same service through the kingdom of nature. And at that same Beautiful and Impressive Ceremony ALL the potential mothers of the race are also brought, in their finer bodies, to the Assembly, and each soul meets and embraces the mother chosen for reasons of past ties, karmic debts, or potential service, to be the channel through which the soul shall secure a physical garment. If either the child or the mother chosen by the Karmic Board, does not approve of the alliance, they are given the opportunity of speaking and then - the Christ Self of each soul - child and parent - makes the final decision. If the lesson to be learned will best benefit the soul, even if there is an antipathy between the two, the union is inwardly consummated and the builders of form take upon themselves the assignment of fulfilling the Law's Command through the year. 

For the vast majority of the race, this beautiful ceremony does not entail too much detail or too much time, but when the Ceremony takes place by which a High Initiate, such as the Beloved Jesus, and Mary, his Holy Mother were joined together, it is a glorious and impressive ceremony, which remains forever in the heart and consciousness of the observer. 

In the case of the Beloved Jesus, after his mission had been accepted and he had been blessed by the Lord of the World, and his own Teacher, the great Lord Maitreya, the Blessed Mary volunteered to go before him and be the channel through which his Love and Light might reach into the consciousness and world of mankind. 

I remember well, that beautiful Ceremony when the Great Lords of Karma, all wearing pure, white robes with crowns of blazing gold, called the Christ Self of the Blessed Jesus before them, and asked him if he was willing to perform the service which had been laid out to his Inner Vision. I remember well, the clear ringing tones of that Beloved One as he accepted the mission. 

Then, from the arched doorway, the Vision of Eternal Motherhood stepped forth, and stretching her arms out toward him held him for an instant in her embrace. So slight and delicate her form, a wreath of flowers similar to lily of the valley woven into her hair, which cascaded like a golden sea over her shoulders, and yet such tremendous strength in her presence, her garments of the delicate ‘Mary’ blue that has since become the symbol of dedication to her service. 

Then both Jesus and Mary kneeled together, and it was my great privilege to bless them both - as it is part of the Office of the Holy Spirit to breathe the first breath into the nostrils of the newly born and to take, with compassion, the last breath from the passing soul. Have I the right, my children, to loan to you the Immortal breath of Life? I asked, in the part of the ceremony which is repeated for every incarnating lifestream and the mother. (Because to take the responsibility of accepting breath lies alone within the free will of the soul... and, to give the opportunity to accept that breath lies within the free will of the chosen parent). Both placed their hands on mine and said, "You have." And then, I said In the name of the Holy Spirit, I consecrate this union, and at the time of physical birth I take the responsibility of breathing the breath of life into the lungs of this infant. So be it! 

At the close of the Ceremony, the Holy Ones in turn blessed all the other lifestreams, including the little four-footed creatures who were to be given an opportunity to redeem the energies in which they find themselves imprisoned. Such is the care and kindness by which lifestreams are joined together - always with the greatest possible personal and individual benefit to all concerned - whether it be in the balancing of debts to life, or whether it be in the furthering of some Cosmic Cause. 

And to all my readers, beside whose mother I stood at the time of birth, I bring my blessing this Mother’s Day, with the assurance that at the close of this embodiment - I shall again stand ready to accept that - precious, loaned breath of life from your soul, and with the Hope that I may say truly "well done, child".

Love and Blessings,







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