The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 20, Number 41                                                                                                                       October 8, 2001


Beloved ones, 

Due to the events of September 11 and the many effects times such as this can have upon one's four lower vehicles this week I would like to share two short affirmations to assist you in maintaining your health. I choose to do this especially now because when one is overwhelmed, especially at the level you are currently experiencing, it can be difficult for your lower vehicles to remain healthy and balanced without some direct attention. 

If you feel prompted to use them for another individual who would have difficulty using them, then by all means personalize and offer these affirmations as a short and simple prayer. In the first statement where it says "me" insert the person's name and use "her" instead of "my" being. In the second statement again insert the person's name where it says "my body..." 

The Presence of our (or if you prefer "my") Mother-Father God within me assists in maintaining perfect health, mental clarity and emotional stability in every single atom and molecule of my being! 

I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the perfect action of every cell and organ of my body, mind, memories and feeling world eternally sustained now and forever! 

These statements can be used separately or together depending upon the situation and time available. I believe you will find both quite helpful. Use them as often as you wish to or feel the need to do so. Also, feel free to share them with others. You may even wish to use "I AM the Resurrection and the Life..." as a call for assistance for all your brothers and sisters in the human family. I know I and others in the higher realms shall. 

I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the perfect action of every cell and organ of the bodies, minds, memories and feeling worlds of all my brothers and sisters in the Human Family eternally sustained now and forever! 

So be it, beloved I AM! Kuthumi








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