The Shamballa Letter 

VOLUME 20, Number 12                                                                                                                                   March 19, 2001


Blessed chelas of our Mother-Father God, 

How much has your consciousness expanded since last week, beloved ones, as you not only worked with the Thoughtform for this year but studied it, hopefully from several perspectives? Is it not a beautiful and perfect vision to have and to hold for ourselves and our dear planet? And are we not truly blessed to be part of it! 

With an eye toward additional growth and development let us now examine these sacred words. This vision begins as all good visualizations do, with an activity and several effective adjectives or adverbs to set the tone; in this case "Constantly invoking the sacred Violet Fire and consciously calling forth the perfect balance of divine love, wisdom and power..." Not only are you immediately drawn into the vision itself but there is something for you to focus your attention upon and do. Next, there is some further explanation to enhance or clarify. What is "...the perfect balance of divine love, wisdom and power..."? Why the "I AM Presence of God in Action" of course! The question then becomes: What in this particular visualization happens when this activity takes place? "The scales of justice have now been balanced" so that: "Earth's Divine Plan quietly and gently unfolds". 

Do you see that even though this vision is only three simple paragraphs long, the first paragraph in itself creates a magnificent picture in your mind's eye. It is not complicated or long. It is clear and it certainly makes sense, moving effortlessly and logically from one step to the next. It even has a beginning, middle and an end. This is not to say that excellent visualizations cannot be several pages long or that an hour long guided meditation cannot work just as well. The principles are the same. 

So to you naysayers who say you cannot visualize or create your own visualizations I say: the time has come, especially where you stand right now on your spiritual path, where this statement can no longer be true. It would be impossible for you to reach the level of consciousness where you are without this wonderful tool. 

The individual reasons for this belief are yours beloved ones. However, in reality just because you believe you cannot visualize does not make it so. Especially to those of you who find that my words ring true, I encourage you to rise to this occasion and accept into your life this special gift from God. And remember, beloved ones, practice makes perfect! Until next week, I AM your friend and mentor.









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