The Shamballa Letter 

VOLUME 20, Number 13                                                                                                                        March 26, 2001


Beloved ones, 

There are two additional tools which are very important for the creation of and then in the maintenance of your personal mantle of protection. They are the tools of decrees and affirmations. Your Book of Ceremony is filled with many wonderful decrees and affirmations which I AM sure each of you work with on a regular basis. 

As you go through the decree book there appears to be very little difference between a decree and an affirmation. To simplify, an affirmation is usually one single statement which can be easily memorized and instantly recalled. On the other hand, a decree, beside invoking a higher authority and then sealing the call in the name of God, it almost without exception contains within its text one or more affirmations depending upon its length. 

Take for example Decree 2-01, the Mantle of Light Decree. As it is given you first call upon the "Presence of God in me" then many other great beings of Light. There are also some wonderful affirmations contained within this decree: "The Light of God is eternally victorious! I live this day in God Light! God is in control wherever I AM!", and of course, "The harmony of my true being is my ultimate protection!" How powerful these words are and how easy to remember in a time of need. Finally, the activity of the decree is sealed in "God's most holy name I AM." 

There are also examples of some wonderful affirmations in the powerful response to the Thoughtform for this year. Contained within the Theme for the year 2001 you will find the following: I AM the luminous Presence of God!; I AM the creative fire pulsating in every human heart!; I AM the unified chalice and channel through which God's Love and Blessings flow to all life!; I have perfect faith in God's Will; or you can expand it to: I have perfect faith in God's Will to direct me in everything I do!; I shall remain silent to perceive God's Will; or expanding it to: I shall remain silent to perceive God's Will and shall not act until my direction is clear! 

Each affirmation is a powerful statement on its own but when you put them all together the energy sent forth and received by you is highly effective and almost unprecedented in the history of this Activity of Light. Take some time this coming week to truly consider the meaning of the words contained within the theme for this year and what is happening to you and will continue to happen as you work with them on a regular basis.
