The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 20, Number 52                                                                                                                 December 24, 2001


My beloved chelas, 

Think of the electronic pattern you receive each month as nothing more than an electronic forcefield of energy manifest in the world of form by the words used to create it. When you, as a chela of the Spiritual Hierarchy, place your attention upon this vortex, your heart flames immediately unites with this electronic light substance and you become one with this sacred God Energy. Taking this thought one step further, remaining focused upon and within this energy allows you to manifest in the physical world of form these electronic patterns through the assimilation and expansion of your breath - your holy breath! 

The Transmission Flame Service was recently re-introduced in an updated version as an activity the members of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom should engage in. Perhaps my short explanation explains its importance in the world at this time. If you do nothing else each month please choose to offer this service for the planet Earth. This will most definitely allow the current changes and the changes yet to come within you and the Earth to take place more easily and effortlessly. 

Also, always remember the words of Lord Himalaya: "Contemplation of truth brings illumination; illumination practiced and lived becomes peace; peace sustained becomes mastery!" All the knowledge in this universe will do you no good if you do not put what you have learned into practice and share it with humanity. Not only must you live the truth, your task is to pass the divine truths you have learned on to others. Why should those who follow have to go through the same experiences as you to get to this point in their life when, in loving friendship, you can so easily lend each and every one a hand through your explanations, examples, and most importantly, your love.

Master Kuthumi





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