The Shamballa Letter

A weekly release of higher spiritual teachings available by request, to members


VOLUME 20, Number 53                                                                                        December 31, 2001



Beloved children of One Universal Consciousness, 

I began my letters on the first day of this year and now I shall complete them on the last day of this year. It has been a year of intense change, growth and experience for all of us. I am so very grateful that our Mother-Father God allowed us this wonderful opportunity to address and interact with each other at such a personal level. 

At this time I would also like to announce that next year The Shamballa Letters will be suspended to allow you to work more closely with the Thoughtform and Theme for the new year, the Electronic Pattern and Breathing statement for each month and the various retreats which will be open, bestowing their various God Virtues and Blessings upon the Earth which are required at this time to assist this planet in its forward evolution. However, at your request, a member of the Brotherhood of the Golden Robe will enter and remain within your aura. Under my direct attention and direction, this Being of Light will guide you personally as you continue your studies of the higher teachings of the Spiritual Hierarchy. 

For this reason and also because the energy and vibration which will begin entering the planet on January 1, 2002 and which I'm sure each of you are each already beginning to feel, the creation or continuation of a personal spiritual journal is a requirement that each one of you must fulfill. Otherwise, too much information will be lost to you as you begin working at a new and higher level of consciousness. To remain not only consciously connected but physically connect to the earthplane I also suggest you continue with some sort of daily spiritual practice that exercises your body as well as your mind. Walking meditation is a wonderful way to accomplish this task but yoga, tai chi and even gardening will be helpful. 

Ritual must become a more conscious aspect in your life. Explore life and allow your curiosity to lead the way. This in turn will allow you additional opportunities to interact with others on a regular basis. Remember what you have been faithfully saying for the last twelve months: I AM the luminous Presence of God! I AM the creative fire pulsating in every human heart! As I AM part of the unified chalice and channel through which God's Love and Blessings flow to all life: I have perfect faith in God's Will to direct me in everything I do! For this reason, I shall remain silent to perceive God's Will and shall not act until my direction is clear! 

Your direction is clear now, beloved ones! It is time, as we move forward in our evolution for you to take your next and rightful place within the Spiritual Hierarchy so, together, we can all move forward, further fulfilling the Divine Plan of all Creation! So be it, beloved I AM. 

I shall always be ONE with you and you shall always be ONE with me! 

Your friend and co-server, Kuthumi