Address to the Multitude

You are here to become Masters of Love. There is no lifestream in all the Great Universe of God who is not in some manner a dispenser of the love element. Love is the duel force of expansion and contraction-cohesion and radiation. It is a centripetal and centrifugal force.


The lifestream must be anchored in the exact center of his world and the two forces equally controlled according to the requirement of the moment. This is Mastery. Love must be able to give of itself in the release of radiation and hold an object in its own orbit so that it neither comes too close nor goes too far from the governing central intelligence according to the God Design.  

This is the most difficult aspect in the achievement of Mastery, to control the in-drawing vibration of the Love Force and keep the balance between blessing and absorption. Witness: If the attraction of the Sun draws a planet an infinitesimal portion too close to the centerit ceases to be. . . If a planet is driven just a little too far out of its orbit by the Sunit ceases to be... So it is with man and his relation to every living and breathing thing and every inanimate object and every force and power with which he is endowed. Time will not allow me to go into the ramifications of this subject, but even spiritually, the man who draws knowledge and power from life and does not give a balance in service―is off center.  

We have at my Retreat a golden bar about eighteen inches long which stands on a pyramid whose apex is a hair's breadth in size. This bar never moves, no matter what the planetary changes or earth upheavals may be. It is the manifestation of love in perfect balance. Man in his present day experiments with the Law and Power of Love uses either too much of the out-going force, which repels the presence of people and things, or, through the mis-use of the cohesive power, accumulates more than he can balance in service. The greatest lesson the soul must learn is balanced activity.  

The activities of love generated by human beings pass through three stages: The first is the Parent-Child Association-the adoration and solicitude of the parent for the infant and the child's affection and deification of the parent, whose model and example it chooses to deify. The majority of the human race lives within this phase of development. Second: Friendship, which consists of the interchange of consciousness; the enjoyment of association and the conveyance of more or less loyalty and affection, according to the development of the lifestream; Each one pursuing his individual path and allowing the strength of his love to go forth only in time of crisis. Third: The individuals who choose to utilize their love, their association, their talents and their consciousness in progressive service to the race. Here you have a very small percentage of the race.

 Lord Maitreya




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