Wings of Light

The Gift of Life

Every day of the year, not only at Christmas, should be the Season of Gifts. Therefore, dear friend, what is the greatest gift that can be given, great wealth, power and position? Tell me, what good are any or all of these without life? What can you do without life? It is existence itself without which naught else is possible.


It is the greatest joy and privilege in the Universe to cooperate with that life to produce health, happiness, beauty and perfection right here in this physical world, for which every living soul came into existence here. “Whither shall I go from Thy Spirit? Or whither shall I flee from Thy Presence? If I ascend up into Heaven, Thou art there; if I make my bed in Hell, Thou are there..”.  (Psalm 139) Why? Because wherever you are God Is! Your life is the very Presence of God Himself, by which you breathe, think, feel, live, move and have your being and it is right within your physical heart. It is the energy that beats that heart. It is the freest of all free gifts to all—without money and without price—but who among us really knows this?  

Who among us loves and reveres that Presence of Life within us? Who gives joyous praise and sincere thanks just for life, first thing each morning as we return to this world in consciousness to a clean, fresh start, in a clean, fresh day, with a clean, fresh page opened before us in our own personal Book of Life, on which we may imprint the most beautiful record of love's accomplishments or the blot and smear of wasted energy.  

“Every day is a new beginning; every morn is the world made new!”  Regardless of our yesterdays, regardless of past mistakes—Life—that magnificent Presence which beats our hearts and is our very consciousness, by this daily offer of another chance, allows us to correct and balance all the errors of the past. Life, which is God In Action, constantly forgives with every expanding love and devotion to its creation. That creation is in reality an extension of itself right here.  

Life is no respecter of persons. Its gifts are for all. They are ours for the asking but the asking must be done. The call for those gifts releases them, but the call must come from the heart of the one desiring them. That call can no more fail to be heard or answered than that you could suddenly put the Sun itself out of existence. It is life itself that makes the call. The Laws of Life, are just as eternal as the Sun itself and "Call unto me and I will answer you"  is one of those Laws.  

Each individual is a 'special' being of God's Love which He created in individualized form in order to have something to love and something through which to love the rest of His Creation. The very willingness to turn your attention to that life within your heart draws immediate and overwhelming response into your physical world and if you get still enough you can feel it.  

Life itself is all there is! It is God Himself in action in each one. Dear friend, as long as you have a beating heart, you are master over everything in your world. As long as you have a beating heart, nothing is hopeless; nothing is impossible unto you for “One with God is a majority”  and “With God all things are possible”. Remember, God's Life is right within your own heart. “Know Thyself”  have said the sages of the past and what is more 'Thyself' than your own personal heartbeat? Try getting acquainted with your own heart beat and its source and you will never feel lonely or hopeless again. Right within your own blessed self has all of life given itself to you for constant use, without limit. This practice, persistently held to, will lift you to the attainment of your every heart's desire, right here in your daily experience in this world. It will be "Wings of Light"  to you. Try it! It works!




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