The Times are Rapidly Changing!

May 3, 1998

My beloved sisters and brothers,


I believe all of you will agree that so many changes have taken place in your lives since the stroke of midnight on December 31, 1997, it is almost inconceivable! During this time of transition, I come to enfold you in my love and remind you to hold fast beloved ones. Especially now, hold fast to the truth presented in the Divine Principles and use the many wonderful gifts and blessings you have been given over the years by the great Ascended Host of Light.


Yes, dear ones, the Cosmic Push has begun and it is up to you and those just like you, who in ancient times, chose to rise to the occasion when the call went forth and become the wayshowers for the entire human race. However, to accomplish this task, you must be alert for every opportunity to do so. Opportunity knocks each and every day of your life, depending upon your level of consciousness. Will you be able to perceive these wonderful chances to serve life?  

Not only shall you come together through the various ceremonial aspects of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom, you must avail yourselves to the needs of those around you. You must be there, not only for your immediate family and friends, but for everyone you come in contact with during your daily activities. You must also be aware of what is taking place in the world around you. When your attention is directed to a specific area of your planet, through your love for all life, use the power and wisdom you have been given to serve. This is what we do in the higher realms and what you must now do on the physical plane. Remember, you are our hands in the world of form, beloved ones. This must ultimately be done by all people on your planet to finally create 'Heaven on Earth', or as my beloved so lovingly chooses to say, the Permanent Golden Age.  

You may be thinking: "How can I, as just one person on a planet of billions of lifestreams, accomplish the seemingly almost insurmountable task you have set before me"? Beloved ones, especially now at the level of consciousness you have risen, to the best of your ability, you will do so, and it will be one day at a time! Every day you are presented with the opportunity to grow spiritually. Take for example the changes currently taking place at Shamballa. Almost nine months ago, the schedule of regular services here at the Heartcenter was reduced. I can say without a doubt that most, if not all of you, were more than a little disappointed.

Some individuals physically left over this and other decisions for they came to believe the Masters no longer govern the activities that take place here, and to this day they are unable to return. Others knew within their hearts that there must be a just and good reason for this decision and supported it without question. However, most of you fell somewhere in between these two choices. You came up with various reasons of your own for this change, such as the so called lack of staff and directors, a change in focus, etc.  

This morning, as one who loves Shamballa very deeply and a spokesperson for the Karmic Board, who meets again in less than two months, I would like to offer for your consideration the reason for this decision, that not one person in this room has even thought of. In actuality my dear chelas, you are beginning to reap the results of the dedicated service of chelas all around this planet as they meditated, decreed, and sent energy to this ancient and sacred Focus of Light, for the Will of God to truly manifest. Now, due to the ever increasing energy constantly flowing into Shamballa, a much higher vibratory activity is now anchored here, and I assure you, it will continue to increase. Please realize that with this change your lower vehicles, especially your physical bodies, must have time to adjust to this new vibration.  

This is not something you can ignore for it is a scientific fact. Think about it! You cannot expect to introduce something of a lower rate of vibration into that of a higher vibration, without the possibility of major changes taking place, or even some problems arising. Some kind of adjustment must take place! In other words, there are two choices. Either this higher energy must be stepped down or your physical bodies must change, so they are able to accept this higher vibratory activity without causing you harm. At this time in the evolution of this universe, the vibrations cannot be reduced for too much depends upon it. So it is life on this planet that must change, and this change will begin with you, beloved ones.  

Take a moment to think back a few weeks, to the conference just complete. Did not most of you find it easier than before to rise to a much higher level of consciousness? However, was it not more difficult, than usual to remain at that level? There were even those of you who went through some very uncomfortable physical manifestations as your body attempted to adjust to this new vibration. Please understand that this is nothing more than part of the magnificent process of your spiritual unfoldment, and there will be times when each of your lower bodies may experience some discomfort. When this happens and you find your symptoms difficult to bear, be sure to seek medical attention and rule out any real physical problem. Otherwise, do your best to remain centered during these periods and open yourself fully to receive additional information at all levels, on how best to cope with these changes taking place within you.  

It is for this same reason, and the fact that it is much more time efficient, that the Journal is now released on a quarterly basis. Not only do you require more time to study and assimilate the material, but we are also able to expand our methods of sharing these higher teachings with you.  

Another item of importance that many chelas often question, is that there come times in your development, when you feel the need to change the way in which you commune with God. No longer do you desire to take as much time to go to that special place you have set aside for meditation and give a few decrees. Do you not see, beloved ones, once again all is in divine order! In God's Infinite Wisdom, you are being guided by your Presence to enter the state of listening grace where you will 'pray constantly'.  

For at the level of consciousness you have attained, your spiritual and outer world activities can no longer be separate. They must unite, and this is but another example of the ongoing process of your spiritual evolution and nothing more!

The scales of justice must one day balance in all earthly activities and I have come to guide and direct the children of Earth in this process. My love for the people of this planet knows no bounds, and I AM always available whenever and wherever my assistance is required. So many changes are taking place on Earth and our, both yours and my reason for being, is to make this time a little smoother and gentler for others. As you provide this service, remember to call upon me, for I AM here, along with many other great beings and powers of light, and we shall forever enfold you in our love, as you each continue to fulfill your divine destiny and the divine destiny of this Activity of Light.  

I AM Lady Portia, Goddess of Justice

and Divine Opportunity





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