Archangel of Restoration

She is an Angelic Being with cosmic proportions

hovering the Earth this very moment!

December 30, 1996

Blessed Chelas,

Throughout this entire year, the students of this Activity of Light have worked with a very powerful affirmation and one which has assisted greatly in your forward spiritual development and expanded service to life. It has also allowed you to more easily go through the many challenges in your lives, no matter how large or how small. Each time you consciously affirmed: My light, my life, touches all, for I AM part of an activity designed to reacquaint all mankind with their flame and their light, you re-enforced the reality of your own true being and publicly acknowledged your membership in a very ancient, sacred―and until quite recently―a very secret society, whose service to this world has, for the most part, primarily gone unnoticed by others on your planet.  

Now, due to the many requirements of the hour, this is all about to change. Beloved ones, it is time to leave the relative comfort and safety you have felt and enjoyed for so long, as a member of an Order unknown to all who were not specifically brought to Shamballa, by their Ascended Master Sponsor and I AM Presence. No longer will the focus of great light remain a school for spiritual teachers and leaders only; for the mighty doors of this sacred Hall of Learning must now open wide, so that every earnest chela of the Ascended Masters who wishes to, will have the opportunity to study here.  

Each individual who finds their way here and crosses the threshold, must be welcomed with open arms, and this beloved ones, is your task! Those who will come―and they will come―may just be opening up to the reality of higher spiritual understanding and a bit naive and perhaps even very foolish concerning the information they accept and the activities they engage in, and their Presence has brought them here for guidance. On the other hand, someone may walk through the doors, and be so highly spiritually evolved that the wisdom and instructions they bring to the heart center, will carry Shamballa to even greater heights of expression, than was ever before thought possible. It is for this reason that you cannot attempt to judge another person's reason for coming home. With this knowledge, I AM sure that your emotions may be mixed. However, I would like to reassure you that you are fully prepared to take your next step and face the world.

You are aware of the mystic mantle of light that always enfolds you. You masterfully wield your great sword and carry your shield high, well versed in the art of protection. Your use of the sacred Violet Fire has become second nature to you, as much of your time on Earth is now spent in calling it forth. You have also learned your lessons well, acquiring much wisdom and understanding on the path toward enlightenment and spiritual freedom. However, it is now time to take your next step—out into the world around you. Confident in your belief system and comfortable with your daily rituals, you must reveal yourself to others, to assist them in beginning their return journey, back into the heart of God, reassuring them that they will find the reality of their own divinity along the way.  

In times past, when I have spoken with you, I reminded you to reach out to others, to create ever increasing bonds of unity and brotherhood with all your brothers and sisters in the Family of Man, to more easily allow the process of restoration to take place. I would now like to expand on this directive if I may, for I would like to add: You must also open yourself to others, offering them welcome when they reach out to you, in response to your ever expanding light. You must rise above all fear of rejection and making mistakes, to allow the reality of your true self to be seen and shared with others.  

Relationships with family, friends, co-servers and even so called strangers, can no longer be one sided, beloved ones. You must become aware of the needs of others, but at the same time recognize that as a human being you have needs also. I AM sure many of you are aware of many people who, although they have been together for many years, are now completing their relationships. To the best of their ability, they are parting company and proceeding along their spiritual path aloneat least for now. No longer can only one person constantly give all in a relationship, nor can one person receive the gifts and blessings offered without also giving in return.  

The quality of balance must become the governing force in your lives, for at the point in your evolution where you now stand, balance is the key that will unlock the door to the perfect manifestation of your Holy Christ Self in the physical world of form. Since the beginning of your life cycle here on Earth, you have often been called to become the presence of the Christ. It is now time to fully accept this reality, and as you do, you will profoundly change your life and those of the other lifestreams on your planet forever, in ways you cannot even begin to imagine!  

In the past, I have shared with you that my lineage is that of the Christ―the love nature of the Universal I AM Presence. This is also your lineage, dear chelas, and the way in which you will each manifest perfection upon the Earth. Beloved Micah came to exemplify this perfection almost two thousand years ago and it is now time for each one of you to recognize and accept your own divinity and those of all members of your planetary family. Once attained this consciousness can never be forgotten, for with the proper nourishment it will grow and expand, ever increasing the light of God throughout this planet.  

Those of your brothers and sisters who await the return of the Christ as Jesus, or for that matter any single individual, will soon be very disappointed. Yes, have no doubt that the Christ will return. However, it will be within every human heart and as you learn to balance the higher energies that are currently entering and filling your entire being, the consciousness of the Christ will quickly and easily become visible to the sight of all, and as this divine image of God fully manifests all across the face of this Earth, the Brotherhood between the three kingdoms―angelic, elemental and human will very quickly be re-established!  

I AM the perfect embodiment of the heart's desire of our Father-Mother God, and you have greatly assisted in my development, for as I feel love and joy upon gazing on your every endeavor to serve the light, I also manifest more of my own perfection; and so it is for you, beloved chelas of light. Until our next opportunity to come together in silent communion, may you be blessed by the limitless gifts, constantly flowing forth from the Godhead to all life. So be it!

I Am the Galactic Archangel of Restoration 





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