Consecration through the Holy Breath

The various aromas of the budding season guides us to focus our attention on the joy of Holy Breath. Awareness of this Holy Breath stills our being, allowing God’s gifts of protection and purification to express fully through our seven vehicles. In this purified state, we perceive our beloved support group of angels and elementals more clearly. They are weaving a sphere of light all around us, with our sacred heart at its center. Each angel and elemental adds their color, from the ray in which they serve. We are invited to blend our colors with theirs, as the sphere grows brighter and brighter, with a mother of pearl radiance—within it swirl all the colors of the rainbow in beautiful harmony.  

The colors intensify in brilliance with each conscious breath, drawing through us God's perfection. This perfection then anchors into our heart center, expanding through our four lower vehicles and finally projecting these blessings of our Father-Mother God out, to Shamballa, all foci of light, all lifestreams throughout the entire Earth, our Solar System and the entire universe.  

With our four lower vehicles purified by the Holy Breath, we feel an added surge of love and light. Beloved Archangel Raphael and beloved Mother Mary now extend an invitation for us to join them in their Temple of the Resurrection and Consecration. On a mighty beam of light we are then taken to join the healing angels, where we are guided to The Resurrection Temple. During our journey, the angels tell us that the Resurrection Temple is focused in the etheric realm over the Holy Land, where forms the spiritual focus for the magnificent Resurrection Flame. This flame is the hope of redemption for all life that has temporarily lost the natural rhythm and harmony of God expression.  

As we approach the Resurrection Temple we notice that it is of circular design made up of many courts, which circle around the central flame room, where the Heart of the Sacred Fire of the Resurrection is focused. Our Angelic guides, now explain to us that the degree of mastery and light achieved by each brother and sister belonging to this Temple, determine how near they may draw to the central sanctuary, the Holy of Holies. The power of the flame is such that only Ascended Beings can stand in its presence. However, many chelas occupy the outer chambers, and gradually, through proximity and through individual application, prepare themselves to approach, closer and closer to the heart center where the focused flame abides.  

As we enter the Temple of Resurrection, surrounded by our angel guides, Archangel Raphael joins us in one of the outer chambers and offers us an opportunity to re-consecrate ourselves to God. He now guides us in this ceremony:  

See the light flowing from the heart of the universe, animating every one of your inner bodies. Your mind and body are now receiving the divine ideas of the Father:  

your feelings, to radiate that which is helpful, constructive and good;

your etheric body, to record only perfection;

your garment of flesh, to manifest health and harmony;

your eyes, through which God Himself may see perfection, and you, see opportunity to bless all life;

your ears, to hear the harmonies of the inner light, the voice of the master, and the call for assistance from your fellow man;

your lips, to form the words that carry hope, faith and the confidence of heaven, into the consciousness that are bound;

your hands, to heal;

your feet, to walk upon the path as directed by the universal God who made you;

your heart, to be the chalice of sacred fire;

your whole being, consecrated and dedicated to God's service.  

Now feel the radiance of the Resurrection Flame penetrating your being―as it quickens the action of the light within the cells of your body, enabling the inner light to throw off the appearance of limitation and stand revealed in the Glory it had with the Father, before the world was. Feel the substance of the Resurrection Flame now flowing through your inner bodies, offering you a complete healing.  

We now experience a great healing taking place within all of our lower vehicles, as Mother Mary joins Archangel Raphael in consecration and healing. Mother Mary now stands before you and gently rests her hands upon your head, then softly upon your eyes and ears, next she gently touches your lips; then taking your hands, she bows to your presence, slowly bending down upon her knees, she blesses your feet, which walks the path of God. Finally, Mother Mary stands before you with her hands on your heart―blessing you, as a sacred chalice of the Holy Father. She now deems your entire being consecrated and dedicated to God!  

After this glorious ceremony in the Resurrection Temple is completed, Our Angel guides tell us it is time to journey home. Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael bid us farewell as they depart from the chamber. We come away, healed by beloved Mother Mary's healing hands, our lives re-consecrated by beloved Lord Raphael, and the full awareness of our pure God-estate is resurrected permanently at all levels of consciousness within our being. How humble and grateful are we to be able to perceive so fully the glory of God created through us and all life! We are now, and vow to always remain, dedicated to the service of God!







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