Summer Conference

Goddess Meru

July 29, 1994

Beloved of my heart,

I speak from the very center of the rose of love―my gift to each one of you who listens with your heart. I AM empowered to appoint you as a messenger of the heart―your heart, my beloved. You know I AM one of the Manus, who has come to this dear Earth to draw forth a specific portion of the divine plan through the four lower vehicles of the children of the Sixth Root Race, for which God Meru and myself are responsible. One portion of the evolution of the race we came to bring forward is that of the emotional vehicle. We magnetize the Sixth Ray of peace, and those who complete their evolution under our guidance will be among those qualified to speak from the Threefold Flame within their hearts as representatives of the peace of Holy Spirit throughout the Earth.

Much has been asked about the root races and what they represent. Simply stated, the first five root races developed and refined the four intricate vehicles to be used as the temple for the expression of the God-spirit upon the physical plane. In addition, a soul-nature was developed to connect the physical temple with the higher realms and maintain a perfect balance between the two levels. The soul learns and expresses through the five physical senses, developing the intellectual and intuitional aspects to great heights as it develops and matures.

The Sixth Root Race, under the guidance of God Meru and myself, will draw forth and unify the inner development of heart and head, preparing for the work to be accomplished by the entire race of man during the reign of light in the permanent Golden Age. As you know, this will take place under the guidance of Lord Saithrhu and Lady Mercedes, through the Seventh Root Race, and is the goal toward which we all press. In that age, all the chains of limitation forged by humankind through experimentation with life energy, will be broken and cast into the Violet Fire, completely purifying the Earth and all her evolutions, freeing them to express true brotherhood.

This brotherhood shall not be only between the people of Earth, but also between the human, angelic and elemental kingdoms, as well. Truly, the people of Earth will walk and talk with the masters, the great archangels and elohim, and the devas and angels, who shall continue to assist and nourish them along the way. At that point, each human being shall be well upon their way to complete mastery, expressing the sevenfold nature of man in perfect balance, both as individuals and as race.

As a true adept in the schoolroom provided by the Earth, beloved Holy Æolus ascended from the Fourth Root Race and was quickly enabled to act as Maha Chohan until the time when the Seventh Root Race began to appear among the children of Earth. During that period, he was prepared to serve as an interplanetary representative on behalf of Helios and Vesta. Also, beloved Paul―his cosmic son―was then ready to become the Maha Chohan, the cup of Holy Spirit to the evolutions of Earth.

Beloved Ones, I wish to speak to you primarily about the last age preceding the opening of Saint Germain's new Golden Age. It was then that the Earth and the consciousness of her people began to open to a great inflow of illumination from the octaves of light, preparing for the full manifestation of the Golden Age. The first influx of light was violet, composed of the pink ray of pure divine love and the blue ray of God's perfect will. United together, they then began to manifest the will of God with love, so that perfect balance would be established before the sun of God could truly begin to shine in the minds of all lifestreams embodied on the Earth and those who would come.

As this task is now being fulfilled, the first members of the Seventh Root Race are emerging from the heart of Lord Saithrhu and Lady Mercedes, bringing their gifts of love, wisdom and power to the planet. All the ascended master retreats, particularly those of illumination, will be very active in the process of enlightening those who serve as the parents, guardians and teachers of the children of the Seventh Root Race.

As you are aware, the time involved in a single embodiment is very brief, and therefore understand that when I say 'children', I AM not referring to children in the sense of physical age. I AM speaking of those who come with the new, pristine consciousness required to receive, understand and establish whatever is needed upon the planet at this time—and then remain to bring forth the next step in the evolution of the entire race of man in all its glorious fulfillment.

It is important for all of you to understand this point, because you are those who have come forth to nurture the children of Lord Saithrhu and Lady Mercedes, having within yourselves the developed God qualities necessary to know how to complete this task. It requires not only the understanding of how to outpicture and manifest the Christ on the Earth, but the sustained love and wisdom necessary to accomplish it. You must have or develop the ability to see as God sees—not merely the short view of a single life span, but the effect of an entire age, designed to ultimately manifest illumination through an entire race, making it a part of the consciousness of the Earth's evolutions forever. This cannot be comprehended by the mass consciousness, but only by the inherent God-consciousness anchored in the hearts and minds of the race. To be understood, divine heart and divine mind must become a way of life in every aspect.

This new 'way of life' means that one who walks this path must have not only the desire, but the determination to do so with constancy and perseverance, in spite of every outer appearance to the contrary. Beloved ones, understand that as you follow this path, there are many others doing the same, whether or not you are personally aware of who these 'others' are at this moment or not. As each one fulfills their work of purification and preparation of the Earth, the entire consciousness of the race of man is being cleared and cleansed, and more light is being received daily and hourly.

You see this reflected as interest in the children, youth and young people of the planet. You see the more universal nature of communication of news between nations. All people are becoming involved with their brothers and sisters of all races, nationalities, creeds and cultures, gaining insights and understanding about those who perhaps live and think differently from themselves. Everyone is letting go of the limitations of human consciousness that have bound them so long to their own personal life expressions; limitations that have encouraged the idea that they are 'the only people on Earth' and know how everything must be done. People are also displaying more interest in their governments, freely stating their ideas. In general, they are beginning to understand that they will soon have to take full responsibility for their own lives.

The limitations of human consciousness are such that humanity must quickly reach the point where he understands that there is nothing of the human consciousness that needs to be retained, except perhaps to know that it doesn't work. His whole mind, feeling world, and expression must become that of the Christ in action on the physical plane. In the area of judgment―remember―human judgment is of no value and must now be given into the heart, mind and hands of the Christ.

Beloved, you are receiving the illumination necessary to teach you how to radiate forth from the heart of the Christ. The love of that heart is what will raise the consciousness of humanity into the light of God that is eternally victorious. We have told you many times that you must attune to the language of the heart to truly understand. You must also speak in this language, giving the words of love, wisdom and power from your Holy Christ Self to all you meet. You must do this with constancy and patience. Thus you will truly set the Christ free in all people, allowing the illumination of God to flow into and through their beings and worlds, manifesting the perfection of the Golden Age of spiritual freedom on the Earth.

The 'age of the Holy Spirit' encompasses all the ages of the Earth, from the very beginning to the complete ascension into the heart of God. The Holy Spirit embodies and expresses all twelve aspects of deity belonging to the God parents of the Earth, Helios and Vesta. These virtues and aspects externalize as they are required and called forth. Following the aspect of the divine mother now emerging, will come an age of peace, the permanent Golden Age. Then, the Holy Spirit will be expressed totally and every divine quality will be enfolded in God's peace, through which it can function to perfection in the physical world.

My beloved children of Earth, I hope I have brought some enlightenment to you today. Come and sit within my aura whenever you wish. Think of my rose, and know I shall immediately enfold you in its glorious petals, releasing the fragrance of my love and light to you. I speak for God Meru, also, when I say, we love you.

Goddess Meru





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