Summer Conference


July 30, 1994

Beloved seekers of the truth,

I wish to address several subjects, of which you speak, sharing the answers with you now. Those of us in the ascended realm often hear you say “The information given at this time is nothing new! We have heard all this before! I already know the answer! Why don't the masters of this activity address subjects brought out by other organizations?” The comments and questions go on and on. Do you not realize that the information we share is new? Every hour of every day, a student awakens after receiving the spark that rekindles the flame within his or her heart, and that blessed one steps upon the path toward mastery, filled with a very strong desire to know the truth.

Divine principles and ideas never change. Only the way of stating the information changes, and this is done with a purpose in mind―so that all humanity may someday receive and understand. When you hear the truth, you know by previous experience that not everyone will be able to interpret the information given, or understand it in the same way you do. Perhaps they are not familiar with the way in which the information is released, as the terms used may be new to them. Or it could be, they are not ready to receive what is being offered, as further purification and illumination is needed first. However, one thing is sure; what works to expand the consciousness of one individual may not work for another, and you have all experienced this in your day-to-day dealings with other people.

It is also possible that an individual lacks experience with a particular spiritual concept, so it is not yet understandable to him. This does not mean they cannot comprehend, but just that they are not yet fully prepared to receive enlightenment on that particular subject. When an individual has traveled far enough upon the Path, he will be able to understand the truths given. The time required to do this is different for each person. For these reasons, We ask that you do not judge one another.

Sometimes you forget that everyone is not at the same point on the path. Just as you look for those who have more knowledge than yourself to assist you, always extend your help to those who follow you in whatever way you can. This, my friends, is brotherhood. The same principle is true for any individual, group, country, or even an entire planet.

Also, I wish to mention the fact that—as you move forward in consciousness, your way of understanding the information given will change as you grow and develop. It is often a good idea to go back over information previously released to receive further enlightenment that was not possible before. Try it and I guarantee that you will be amazed at your progress!

During any process of learning and teaching you must approach each interaction with another individual as a learning experience. In fact, this principle may be applied any time two or more people are together, sharing ideas, and even when you are alone with your I AM Presence. Know that, during every interaction with another person, you must listen to their words as well as your own, for—throughout any conversation, new knowledge and insights will always be shared. You will often observe that what you learn may not even be related to the topic of discussion, for often, wisdom is drawn from another level.

Always take notice whenever another person wishes to spend time talking with you, for they truly have something to share and you need to listen to their words. Do not announce to others that you are a teacher, for each person on this planet has been vested with the power to teach. Whether or not they have the wisdom to share with others at a conscious level can only be determined by their words and also their actions, for you will quickly be appraised of their love of self and others through their example. Remember to be God in action at all times! Through your Holy Christ Self, send your love and gratitude to your I AM Presence. Ask for the perfect union of these two vital parts of yourself, for when this is achieved, it allows direct and perfect access to God.

It is one thing to know that a particular God-quality can be called forth to assist in manifestation, but you must take full responsibility as a unified being through your own love, wisdom, and power to activate whatever it is that you desire in your world. Through your I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self you must always be the director of your own life energy—not as a controlling influence—but as a fully united and integrated being of light. When this has successfully been completed, you will be able to freely and perfectly work within the planetary Body of Light―the Cosmic Christ of this planet. Contemplate and test my words and see if they are not true.

Concerning the questions asked about addressing subjects of other organizations, I must say that The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom is a very specialized activity. I point out that it is not "special" but very "specialized" in its activity. There is a big difference in the meaning of these two words. Many members are concerned primarily with the teachings brought forth through this activity, so that they may more easily perform their service to Earth. Every organization has their specific work to accomplish and it is up to the student to find where he or she can work most effectively.

At times you will find the information given will be the same, or complementary in some way, but this may not always be the case. We do not request that you give up your affiliations with other organizations. The information they bring forth may be valid and of importance to you as you develop, but we are not necessarily working with the same information at The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom.

You may choose to continue working and networking with other activities if you wish, to be made aware of their information, or you may desire to share what the 'Bridge' activity has to offer. However, please keep in mind that if you choose to study many avenues of teachings simultaneously, you could become confused, as much information may not fit together. This, beloved ones, is something you may wish to avoid.

Just remember to test all teachings for truth. In this way you will improve your discernment and become aware of the motive behind everything that you read, hear, or do. Go beyond the obvious and be sure that the information or work is for the best and highest good of ALL LIFE. Thus you will know it is an acceptable path to mastery.

The choice is yours. Let us walk together hand-in-hand, along the path toward enlightenment and freedom. I enfold you in my love of life and illumination for all humanity!





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