Summer Conference

Saint Germain

July 31, 1993

Beloved friends,

Life is a ceremony before God! Remember these words as you go about your daily activities, fulfilling your divine plan. This is one of the major aspects of the Permanent Golden Age. Within the activity of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, you have the freedom to develop the many sacred rituals you have nurtured and carried deep within your hearts for so long. The teachings and instructions given from the ascended realm, and received so lovingly into your minds and hearts, are the keys that unlock the door to your higher consciousness, thus allowing you to be God's open door to this world.

Of absolute importance in the ceremonial aspect of the Seventh Ray is rhythm—the rhythm of application. Every living thing has a rhythm through which it is created, sustained, maintained and then returned to the unformed to begin the process once again in a never-ending cycle. I ask that you take time to consider your own rhythm. As you do this, you will discover that—indeed, the path of your life is truly a sacred ceremony.

From the time you get up in the morning, until you go to bed at night, you have specific rituals that you follow in your daily living. Many of these concern your physical comfort, and maintaining your physical body. You probably also have a particular routine to develop your mental body, taking time to improve your knowledge through books and discussions with others. At times you may even seek to relieve your mind of responsibilities, seeking entertainment through various media.

Memories of past experiences may either bring joy and happiness to your heart, or allow you the opportunity to transmute and release your feelings. This activity is also an integral part of the ceremonial aspect of your life. Also, as chelas, you are each deeply aware that ritual plays a very important part in your spiritual work.

Each of you takes time to prepare yourself and your sanctuary prior to classes in a very specific and individual way, using decrees, invocations, and visualizations. It is my hope that you also use them in your outer world activities. The importance of acting as a chela at all times, not only when you are at class or with other chelas, but when you are out among others, in schools, the work place, neighborhoods, and places of worship, will truly act to raise the consciousness and vibration of all concerned. This is your primary function at this time, and I thank you for your every effort to serve in this capacity. Once more you must be the wayshowers by your example!

Spiritual growth for the most part comes slowly and quietly, as a cloak drawn gently around you, unnoticed by others, until such time as the development is completed.

You then walk forward, confident in God's protection, wisdom, and love, for it is already within you to manifest these things. Have no doubt or fear, for that which you seek already exists. You need only take the necessary time of silence and peace to allow yourself to grow fully in the light of your Father-Mother God, nurtured and fed by that which you, as an individual, need.

There are no quick remedies or instant transformations to hasten your development. There may be times when you have profound experiences that greatly assist in your growth, but remember―your spiritual unfoldment is a process, just like any other. The various steps involved must be taken one at a time, for the perfection which lies within to be revealed. None can be overlooked or left unfinished.

I do wish to give these words of caution. You must always examine―not only this information, but all information that is shown to you with wisdom and understanding, accepting the truth, not only for yourself, but for all life. Any time you allow yourself to accept anything only at the personal level within your being and world, you are allowing the ego or lower self to take command. This immediately returns you to the level of human consciousness, removing you from the divine, the Christ Consciousness you have worked so diligently to attain.

Every thought, feeling, or reaction that you have is universal and applies to humanity everywhere. It is the ego that reaches out to claim these thoughts and ideas as their own and theirs alone, making an individual special. If you consider this statement, you can see that at a certain level of consciousness, within its very definition, you will find separation. This, beloved ones, can no longer be. Raise your consciousness high and see 'special' for what it truly is. We are all special, for within each and every individual lie many unique gifts and talents to offer to God, and through which you may be of assistance to all life. When people come together in unity to share their gifts with one another in loving cooperation―this, beloved ones, is special.

With the gift of unity enfolding all, true brotherhood will manifest, further enhancing the perfection of God's divine plan.

Saint Germain





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